public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from longhorn2000 with tags classifieds & recruiting

17 January 2007

The Right Recruiter, the Right Job

In the near future, both candidates and recruiters will have access to tools that will allow them to better communicate, providing candidates with access to even more job openings. This should make it easier for both parties to achieve their goal matching up with the right job.

16 January 2007

Breaking Down the Recruiter Bill of Rights (Part 4)

They often suggest tweaking your resume or committing more time to making quality contacts. Both of these steps can give you a leg up in your search, but there are times when it takes more than that. Recruiters can point out where skills and experience are lacking, and they can point candidates in the right direction to help rectify those weaknesses. However, the advice only works if candidates are willing to listen and willing to make changes when necessary

15 January 2007

Can Turnover be Stopped?

Well, employees aren’t the only ones who have to deal with quick changes in the workforce. Just as companies have become faster to let their people go, so have employees become faster at taking off for something new

05 January 2007

Striking a Balance between Memorable and Annoying - The itzBig Blog - Serving the Unserved – Recruiters, Job Seekers, Quiet Working Professionals

The word “annoying” is important to consider. While persistence is a positive thing, candidates can go overboard, and enough recruiters have had to deal with an overzealous candidate to know that they don’t want any part of it."

02 January 2007

Breaking Down the Recruiter Bill of Rights (Part 2)

"Nothing is more maddening to a recruiter than a job candidate who isn’t willing to take the time to do some research before getting serious about a job search. Without doing the homework, you have no idea what a company is looking for or how you can provide what they need."

28 December 2006

New Years Resolutions for the Job Search

"Respect is a two-way street, and one of the major complaints from job candidates is that recruiters don’t really treat them like human beings. On the other side of the search, companies have to deal with overbearing recruiters that seem far more concerned with cashing checks than with finding the right match for a job."

27 December 2006

Breaking Down the Recruiter Bill of Rights (Part 1)

"Recruiters can get you where you want to go, but they do need a little bit of help along the way. If candidates are willing to take some time to look at themselves, if they have the means to compare themselves to other candidates on the market, and if they have the tools to truly explore what different companies have to offer, they’ll be in a stronger position at the onset of the job search. Then recruiters can really get down to doing what they do best."