February 2006
CityDesk: CMS for windows from the renowned Fog Creek people
by 2 others“...CityDesk [is] a fantastic low-cost desktop content management tool that revolutionizes the ease with which any journalist, researcher or writer can update and post to his web site without the need to go through a webmaster.”
January 2006
Newsvine - Court Bars Tirade on Malaysian Web Site
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — A court told a disgruntled car owner he cannot chronicle the alleged defects of his Malaysian-made Perodua and his tirade against the car maker on a personal Web site.
November 2005
Squarespace | Gadgetopia
Review of Squarespace, the excellent CMS/Blogging system Oct 2005
August 2005
Creators.com - Creators Syndicate: Molly Ivins
During an impassioned speech in support of free trade this month, Bush said, "If the terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow!"
Talk Digger: Check who's talking!
by 11 othersMultiple search results from the major blogging search engines like Bloglines and Technorati.
May 2005
April 2005
Adam Curry's Weblog
The Daily Source Code- the original podcast from Adam Curry
February 2005
The Painful Truth
The Iraq war is a new kind of hell, with more survivors - but more maimed, shattered limbs - than ever. A revolution in battlefield medicine is helping them conquer the pain.
Send a White Feather to Jonah!
Let's send white feathers to a prominent chicken hawk who is willing to vilify anyone who opposes the war in Iraq but seems to have many reasons for staying safe here.
Falling Reentlistment Rates Among Right Wing Pundits Threaten War on Terror
Factors such as long tours of duty, fierce and costly battles against a ruthless and evil enemy, and carpal tunnel syndrome have taken a severe mental and physical toll on the conservative punditry.