WordPress › Magic Fields « WordPress Plugins
(via)Magic Fields is a Wordpress CMS plugin, focuses in simplifies content management for the admin creating custom write panels also with Magic Fields you will be able to create (in a very easy way) custom fields for your write panels.
Flutter : WordPress CMS Plugin by Freshout » Blog Archive » Flutter MU is Ready for Testing
Flutter MU is Ready for Testing
To the people who have been asking us for the the MU version of Flutter,
To install, follow all the normal steps you use for installing the regular Flutter but just
Copy /mu-plugins/Flutter/wpmu/Flutter.php and move it to /mu-plugins/Flutter.php
Download it here - http://github.com/freshout/flutter/zipball/wpmu
Please submit bugs here - http://flutter.freshout.us/bugs/
Flutter : WordPress CMS Plugin by Freshout
by 1 otherCustom Write Panels (Posts, Pages, and Theme Options)
You can create custom write panel pages or posts + duplicatable fields and groups + import and export them.
File Uploads, Audio, Video, Checkboxes, Dropdowns, and more.
I don't know if we can make this any simpler... You can create any type of field to make as simple as possible for your client or yourself to enter content.
Simple Templating
All you need is the magic 'get' function. To retrieve a variable, just use >> echo get('variable'). To retrieve images, use >> echo get_image('variable')
Use WordPress As a CMS: Plugins, The Bare Minimum
How to use WordPress as a CMS is a popular question. Especially when you want to quickly throw up what is sometimes called “The Brochure Site”. Yep, that hoary throwback to Web 1.0, the static site. You’re going to template the site in PHP anyway, right? Why not just use WordPress and give your client the option of updating their content, while a million or so developers are working behind the scenes to make sure the code powering your site is the best it can be? Not a tough choice.
Besides, no one said it had to be completely static, did they? Here’s the rundown on a few plugins, the bare minimum you’ll need, that’ll turn a simple static site into a blazing fast dynamic one, with easily managed content, that you’ll love to use.
Les bons liens Wordpress
by 1 otherMême si l'on peut regretter des manques ou constater quelques imperfections, Wordpress reste un CMS formidable et perfectible, ce qui ne gâche rien. Voici une sélection de trucs et d'astuces pour améliorer votre blog ou votre site web tournant avec Wordpress :
How to Use WordPress for a Portfolio Site - Part 1 | blogHelper
(via)Now that we’re done with a large portion of the technical basics of Using WordPress (WP) as a CMS, let’s continue on with the next step: Using WP for a portfolio site (primarily graphics and design-based).
If you need a brief overview of portfolio sites and a couple of examples of WP-powered ones, take a short detour to one of my introductory posts. If not, here’s what we’re going to be working on today:
* Thumbnail listing of projects in reverse chronological order, a.k.a. Recent Projects
* Individual project pages with larger picture(s)
* Categorical listing of projects
48 Unique Ways To Use WordPress | Performancing.com
by 1 other (via)WordPress, one of the most popular blogging platforms (if not the most), is capable of being more than just a blog platform. It's capable of being a full-blown CMS (Content Management System). As someone who has both written small, custom CMSes from scratch as well as evaluated million-dollar professional CMSes for large corporations, WordPress' robustness never ceases to amaze me.
The key to many of the unique uses can be attributed to any or all of the following components:
1. Custom theme.
2. Custom code tweaks
3. Custom or widely-available plugins.
4. Custom fields per post.
5. Custom code to use the custom fields.
Thèmes WordPress Fr via Niss.Fr | Le blog de Yohann CIURLIK | Spawnrider.Net :: Blog
(via)A ce jour, voici la liste de thèmes disponibles :
Les Thèmes Magazine
# The Morning After ( 226 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Mimbo 2.2 ( 239 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Mimbo 2.2_(niss) - Onglets intégrés ( 90 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Jello-Wala-Mello ( 79 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Grid Focus Public ( 105 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Pink For October - Business ( 40 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# YGo CMS ( 26 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Nautica Magazine ( 42 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Xplosive Reloaded ( 40 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Kruugle ( 15 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Overstand ( 41 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# WP-Premium ( 30 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
Les Thèmes Minimalistes
# GimpStyle ( 2 téléchargements) - Voir la fiche
# The Azure Hut ( 8 téléchargements) - Voir la fiche
# 3 Thèmes minimalistes spécial Geeks!!! ( 44 téléchargements) - Voir la fiche
# Colors of Rainbow ( 40 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Ambiru ( 32 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Jentri ( 28 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Emire ( 39 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Simpla ( 35 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Fontella ( 43 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Moo-Point ( 40 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# IAMWW w2 dnd ( 42 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Simplicity Dark Plus ( 34 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Simplicity Dark Plus Fun ( 36 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
Les Thèmes Classiques
# Pixelate ( 13 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Yoghourt ( 12 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Papyrus 1.0 ( 22 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Perfec[TOM] ( 21 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Salmon ( 19 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Skittlish ( 33 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# October Special ( 24 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# WP Polaroid ( 91 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# WoodPress ( 18 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Greenie 1.0 ( 32 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# AalGlatt ( 22 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Green Marinée ( 24 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# I Feel Dirty ( 32 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Godfrey ( 53 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# JsTheme v2 PolarLight ( 61 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# 5U ( 39 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Sosuechtig Black ( 41 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# InSense ( 45 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Curved 1.0 ( 40 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Light 1.0 ( 35 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Silicon 1.0 ( 38 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# ColdBlue ( 38 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
# Experimental ( 40 téléchargements) - Voir sa fiche
Les PhotoBlogs
# Nishita ( 2 téléchargements) - Voir la fiche
# PhotoWP ( 2 téléchargements) - Voir la fiche
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* Date Mercredi 16 jan 08 à 18:37
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5 commentaires pour ce post
niss dit: 16 janvier 2008 à 20:15
Wow, merci beaucoup pour ton article! Je suis très honoré!
WordPress Makes Sense For Many Non-Blog Websites | iface thoughts
(via)WordPress Makes Sense For Many Non-Blog Websites
Filed under: wordpress, web. Tagged as: .
A friend wants to develop a corporate web site and wanted to get my advice on what CMS he should use. As usual I asked him what did he want to do with it and got a judgement about his technical skill. The website he envisoned was one of the simple ones, with basic information and he was not exposed to any web site management before or to managing raw HTML. I advised him to use WordPress for it. However, he knew that WordPress was a blogging engine and felt that I was trying to tackle him cheaply.
So here goes my justification for why WordPress makes a lot of sense for many simple web sites, including the non-blog ones. The shorter version is that WordPress provides good infrastructure of web publishing and gives you tools to build an interactive web site. And I think this is common knowledge in the WordPress community.
(19 marks)