18 November 2007
Explore The Dead Sea
In the Bible, the Dead Sea is known as the “Eastern Sea” or the “Sea of the Arava”. The ancient Greeks and Romans called it “Mare Asphaltitus”, meaning the “Clay Sea”, due to the patches of clay, or asphalt floating on its surface. Great Article about the dead sea, with things you didn t know, such as health! Yeah, dead sea is a great place for taking care of Psoriasis and other skin problems. you can read all about here.
05 November 2007
Treatment Of Psoriatic And Arthritis At The Dead Sea
The Objectives of this article is To evaluate the effectiveness of balneotherapy (mud packs and sulfur baths) on patients with psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis (PsA).Treatment of psoriasis and PsA at the Dead Sea area is very efficacious and the addition of balneotherapy can have additional beneficial effects on patients with PsA. Other controlled studies with longer follow up periods are needed to verify our results.
01 November 2007
Determination Of Solar Ultraviolet Dose InTthe Dead Sea Treatment Of Psoriasis
An increased risk of developing cancer of the skin is the only potentially serious (albeit unproven) long-term side effect of heliotherapy and it is therefore prudent to avoid unnecessary exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. Traditional heliotherapy for psoriasis at the Dead Sea calls for a sun exposure of 5-6 hours daily for 28 days. Studies have determined that mid-summer exposure for 3 hours is equally effective.
(3 marks)