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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag apache


BitNami :: MAMPStack

"BitNami MAMPStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin and required dependencies."


Microsoft donates code to Apache Stonehenge project

"The whole point of standards is to provide for interoperability, but so many are implemented in slightly different ways that the desired interoperability is not achieved," said [...] Jason Bloomberg.



Apache Directory Studio - The Eclipse based LDAP browser and directory client

by 1 other
Apache Directory Studio is a complete directory tooling platform intended to be used with any LDAP server however it is particularly designed for use with the Apache Directory Server.

htaccess Caching

by 2 others
This article shows 2 awesome ways to implement caching on your website using Apache .htaccess (httpd.conf) files on the Apache Web Server. Both methods are extremely simple to set up and will dramatically speed up your site!

WSGI makes us faster, simpler, nicer! « DevjaVu Blog

With mod_php you can assume that if Apache is up, the app is up. [...] mod_wsgi, boasted faster performance than mod_python, and was easier to configure. I realized Trac had WSGI support. Pages are loading almost twice as fast! Our setup is simpler too.

Stepping into Apache Synapse – Part I | WSO2 Oxygen Tank

In this series, you will learn what Synapse is, how it works, and how you can use it to solve common problems in the enterprise. You will understand some of the advanced features of Synapse, how you can extend it, and also some of its limitations.

Installer Symfony sous Mac OS X avec MAMP - Glagla Dot Org

Symfony est un framework RAD PHP vraiment interessant. Voici un rapide tutoriel pour l'utilisez sous OS X avec MAMP.


alphaWorks : IBM Generic Web Services Client Tool : Overview

A generic client written in PHP and capable of secure and non-secure calls for use in testing Web services.

Manning: Portlets and Apache Portals

by 2 others (via)
Portlets and Apache Portals explains how to develop JSR 168 and WSRP compliant portlets and how to test and deploy these portlets on Apache open source software. Richly illustrated with useful code examples. By the creators of WSRP and JSR 168 portlet standards.

elemental links: LogicBlaze FUSE - Open Source SOA Platform

LogicBlaze, the company behind the (now Apache incubating) ServiceMix ESB and ActiveMQ messaging solution recently announced the availability of FUSE - an Open Source SOA Platform. FUSE is centered on ServiceMix (which I posted on here), aggregating components from several open source projects


by 1 other (via)
Apache ServiceMix is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that combines the functionality of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an Event Driven Arthitecture (EDA) to create an agile, enterprise ESB.

elemental links: Open Source ESB (and ESB-like) announcements: ServiceMix and Apache Synapse

open source enterprise service bus (ESB) release announcement from ServiceMix, and the ESB-like Apache Synapse Web Services Mediation Framework project announcement. For those that are counting, this brings the number of open source ESB (and like) announcements this summer to five. Earlier announcements came from Iona (Celtix project), Sun (Java System Enterprise Service Bus (Java ESB)), and Mule.

Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Configure Apache to work with PHP4 and PHP5

There are many ways to make Apache work with two PHP versions in parallel. The easiest way is to use PHP4 and PHP5 as a CGI binary, or PHP4 as CGI binary and PHP5 as Apache module (or the other way around).


[Destination-Linux.Org] - Installer PHP4 et PHP5 sur une même instance d’Apache

by 1 other
Ce tutoriel explique comment avoir simultanément sur la même instance d’apache PHP4 (via mod_php4) et PHP5 (via php5-cgi) pour Debian & Ubuntu

ServiceMix - Home

by 1 other
ServiceMix is an open source distributed Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and SOA toolkit built from the ground up on the semantics and APIs of the Java Business Integration (JBI) specification JSR 208 and released under the Apache license

Synapse to spark web services connections

Called Synapse, the Apache-sponsored project aims to define code for a distributed web services intermediary, to handle connectivity, transformation and routing of messages as they flow between service providers and consumers.

Service Oriented Enterprise

It appears as though the Apache ESB project, Synapse, is moving forward. According to InternetNews, Blue Titan, Infravio, WSO2, Sonic and Iona are all supporting it.

SynapseProposal - Incubator Wiki

Synapse will be a robust, lightweight implementation of a highly scalable and distributed service broker / ESB based on Web services specifications.