public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag "web services"

April 2007

SOA et Web Services : Questions / RÈponses

by 1 other
Des tonnes d'infos intéressantes sur SOA et les Web Services, par Pierre "Orchestra Networks" Bonnet

February 2007

Station-service: Services Web BizTalk Server 2006 -- MSDN Magazine, March 2007

Ce mois-ci, je vais vous présenter l'univers passionnant de BizTalk Server 2006 et sa prise en charge pour les technologies de services Web d'aujourd'hui. Vous apprendrez à utiliser les adaptateurs SOAP et WSE (Web Services Enhancements) déjà disponibles et je vous parlerai du nouvel adaptateur Windows® Communication Foundation (WCF) inclus dans BizTalk® Server 2006 R2.

Anne Thomas Manes: Why SOA needs UDDI now

The importance of the UDDI standard in the future of SOA is highlighted in a new Burton Group Inc. report, "Registry Services: The Foundation for SOA Governance" by Anne Thomas Manes, research director at the analyst firm. In this interview, Manes explains why after being ignored for so long, the OASIS UDDI standard now at version 3.0, is finally moving up the adoption curve.

January 2007

The hidden battle between web services: REST versus SOAP

by 2 others (via)
Almost everyone has at least heard of SOAP. Few people have heard of REST. But both are jockeying for the mindshare of developers trying solve problems building applications on the web. REST by virtue of existing, and SOAP largely by virtue of backing by software vendors and standards bodies.

Architecting Industry Standards for Service Orientation

Many messages that flow among businesses are formatted to specific industry standards. As we move toward Web services and service orientation the payloads can add value to the messaging infrastructure in a flexible, interoperable, composable way.

Radovan Janecek: Nothing Impersonal: Mental Exercise

Is HTTP GET/POST enough for you? Fine. Then you are simply not the 'right target' for web services evangelists ;-)

Radovan Janecek: Nothing Impersonal: September 2004 Archives

Will there be still 97% of simple REST services on the web then? Yes, sure. WS-* does not compete with browser-oriented applications or simple-get-then-do-regexp interactions

REST Eye for the SOA Guy (Middleware Matters)

my latest Internet Computing (IC) Toward Integration column tries to take a middle ground in the ongoing "REST vs. SOA" debate. It's called "REST Eye for the SOA Guy" (PDF) and it attempts to explain, from the perspective of someone like me with a lengthy SOA background, the benefits that REST brings to the distributed systems picture

Sam Ruby: Tolerance

acceptable levels of tolerance differ depending on whether or not a given operation is safe or not

Service Architecture - SOA: Why Quality of Service depends on the Consumer and the Producer

it is actually not up to the server to purely dictate a straight process and response to the consumer it is up to the consumer and producer to negotiate the right result for both parties a QoS policy that assumes that the producer is the final arbiter of quality is liable to produce a very unfriendly service and one which doesn't interact with people in the manner which they wish

to implement Web Services Security with the X.509 Certificate Profile, you also need to implement XML Signature (which includes XML Canonicalization and XML Exclusive Canonicalization) and XML Encryption. To correctly handle imports of WSDL1.1 documents (and validate the traffic they describe), you need to support the entire behemoth that is XML Schema -- in particular if you are attempting to support RPC-oriented SOAP, which informally requires you to support the entire XML Schema Datatypes specification. Don't forget support for SOAP with Attachments, either!

July 2006

Systinet Registry

Systinet Registry provides a simple and standards-based means for publishing and discovering reusable business services and SOA artifacts. Available as an independent product or as an integrated component of Systinet 2, this enterprise-class registry allows organizations to easily standardize publishing, discovery, approval and interoperability of SOA business services.

» Amazon's SOA strategy: 'just do it' | Service-Oriented Architecture |

It doesn't matter if a partner uses REST or SOAP, he pointed out. "Our developers don't care if it's REST or SOAP. It's all about customers," he said.

BPEL Learning Guide

This learning guide introduces you to Business Process Execution Language for Web services, or BPEL4WS. In this BPEL learning guide, you'll find articles, tips, expert advice, white papers and more that will explain how BPEL fits into the world of Web services.

SOA Learning Guide

This learning guide introduces you to service-oriented architecture, or SOA. In this SOA learning guide, you'll find articles, tips, expert advice, white papers and more that will explain how SOA fits into the world of Web services.

June 2006

Enterprise Integration Patterns - Patterns Overview

Enterprise integration is a complex field, and there is no simple 'cookbook' answer. Patterns are accepted solutions to recurring problems within a given context. They are abstract enough to apply to most integration technologies, but specific enough to provide hands-on guidance to designers and architects. Patterns also provide a vocabulary for developers to efficiently describe their solution.

ActiveGrid un RAD qui respecte les standards

ActiveGrid est un environnement de réalisation d’applications WEB totalement intégré qui repose entièrement sur les standards XML les plus récents : BPEL, XForms, WSDL, XML Schema, XACML. L’offre d’ActiveGrid est composée d’un builder et d’un server, tout ça dans une architecture LAMP (le P devant se comprendre essentiellement pour Python).

ActiveGrid - ActiveGrid Studio

ActiveGrid Studio makes it easy to create rich, interactive Web 2.0-style applications that integrate your existing databases, applications, and services. The ActiveGrid Studio offers graphical editors and wizards and is based completely on standard XML files so there is no code generation or proprietary metadata.

elemental links: LogicBlaze FUSE - Open Source SOA Platform

LogicBlaze, the company behind the (now Apache incubating) ServiceMix ESB and ActiveMQ messaging solution recently announced the availability of FUSE - an Open Source SOA Platform. FUSE is centered on ServiceMix (which I posted on here), aggregating components from several open source projects

LogicBlaze - Software FUSE Features

by 1 other
LogicBlaze FUSE provides a complete runtime environment for SOA, providing a reliable, scalable and manageable environment for orchestrated Web services, composite applications and event-driven business processes across distributed, loosely-coupled systems and services.

May 2006

Radovan Janecek: Nothing Impersonal: REST and Contract

I see lack of contract as the main issue and perhaps even showstopper in enterprise

The Cafes » REST vs. WS-*: A Parable

by 1 other (via)
A couple of years ago Water Supply-Strategic Tactical Air Recycling (WS-STAR) opened up a branch in our town. WS-* (as my IM crazy kids would type) came about from the merger of Secure Operations Air and Power (SOAP) with Expert Machine Lubrication: Radiators, Power, and Cooling (XML-RPC).