public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tag pda

May 2006

(( LiteFeeds ))

by 11 others
Des fils de syndications sur pocket et mobile. Fait apparemment aussi la synchronisation avec Bloglines. Pas de mention particulière sur les configurations requises. A essayer peut-être.

January 2006


"...all known syndication formats (RSS, Atom, RDF) on PPC". Semble nécessiter quand même l'installation de .Net Compact Framewok 2.0 sur le pocket, ce qui peut s'avérer assez lourd.

September 2005

Pocketmod : The Free Disposable Personal Organizer

by 56 others
"PocketMod is a new way to keep yourself organized".

August 2005


by 3 others
" offline Web and e-book viewer for PalmOS based handheld devices and PDAs. Plucker comes with Unix, Linux Windows and Mac OSX tools that let you decide exactly what part of the World Wide Web you'd like to download onto your PDA".


by 3 others
A Plucker document reader for the Pocket PC

May 2005

Access your GMail account on a WAP or Pocket PC device

by 4 others
" access to your gmail account using a wireless WAP and Pocket PC browsers".

April 2005

SVG on Minimo

"A couple initial snapshots of SVG running in Minimo".

December 2004

Targeting Small Screens

by 1 other
"...thoughts on why most mobile browsers don't currently support the handheld media type. Then a potential solution for the short-term until they do."

MobiPocket eNews feed for The Kitchen

" application of choice for reading on my PDA, because I can use the one application for reading books, news and blog feeds."

philippej's TAGS related to tag pda

agregateur +   agregateurs +   applications +   css +   ebook +   email +   gmail +   mobile +   navigateurs +   outils +   pratique +   svg +   syndication +