Microsoft takes email design back 5 years
by 5 others (via)« Outlook 2007, released next month, will stop using Internet Explorer to render HTML emails and instead use the crippled Microsoft Word rendering engine. »
« ... un utilitaire tout simple qui vous permet de partager vos fichiers par e-mail - quelle que soit leur taille - sans encombrer votre boîte aux lettres. »
Rapid Reporting for Rapid Response
(via)« ... a proof of concept whereby you email placemarks to a content management system and then have them appear automatically in Google Earth via a network link. »
RMail Invitation Form
"...invite your friends to subscribe to your blog."
Inbox Zero : Processing to zero
Learn to be rude with your mail :)
Gmail vacation autoresponder !
"...Gmail's vacation responder to let people know you won't be able to get back to them right away."
HTML Email Validator
by 6 others"Not a real HTML validator, but allow you to create compatible HTML email".
The First Network Email
"The early uses were not terribly different from the current uses: The exceptions are that there was only plain text in the messages and there was no SPAM".
Zimbra Collaboration Suite 2005 Beta
by 1 otherUn screencast très clair pour un client mail Ajax qui semble très intéressant.
RMail blog
"...another fine KBCafe blog service".
Use your GMail account to find torrent files
by 1 otherComment trouver des fichiers BitTorrent grâce à Gmail, Rmail et RSS.
Gmail emails interesting feature
"...if you have [email protected] and your friend happens to write to [email protected] by mistake you still get the email. Vice versa works as well".
Access your GMail account on a WAP or Pocket PC device
by 4 others"...free access to your gmail account using a wireless WAP and Pocket PC browsers".
Les giga-messageries, espace de stockage ?
"Utiliser l'espace de stockage généreusement alloué par Google et ses concurrents pour y stocker des fichiers MP3 ou des photos". Pas nouveau, mais au cas où.