public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tag screencast



by 8 others
« ... is the free and easy way to create a video recording of your screen (aka screencast) and upload it for free hosting all from your browser with no install! »

Ubuntu Screencasts

Le titre dit tout non !


How to use OpenID (a screencast)

by 4 others
« This screencast demonstrates OpenID in action. »

Firebug 1.0 Beta Screencast

by 1 other (via)
« ... a short screencast demoing some features of Firebug... »

wikiCalc Beta

by 9 others
"...combines some of the ease of authoring and multi-person editing of a wiki with the familiar visual formatting and data organizing metaphor of a spreadsheet."

KoKae Screencasts

Screencast on how to use Google Earth and e-maps.

Exploring Live Clipboard

"...examples of Live Clipboard in use...".

Ning from scratch

by 1 other
"How to create a photo sharing app with Ning."

Gregarius Screencast

"...a screencast showing off some features of Gregarius (Open Source, Single User, Online, Extensible, RSS Aggregator)."


Using 101

Quand l'immé n'est pas aussi immédiat que ça :) un screencast qui décrit le fonctionnement d'un service d'alerte RSS via IM. training videos

11 screencasts pour se former à OpenOffice.

OPML 101 Screencast

by 3 others
Quelques utilisations basiques d'OPML.

How to Use Google Reader

Un screencast rapide qui explique comment souscrire à un fil de nouvelles dans Google Reader. Chouette technique. Efficace !

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 2005 Beta

by 1 other
Un screencast très clair pour un client mail Ajax qui semble très intéressant.

Pimp My Web (BETA)

"Screencasts on how to get the most out of your online experience... mostly for more novice users".

Technorati Blog Finder Tutorial in english and dutch

"Un screencast pour comprendre comment inclure son blogue dans le Technorati Blog Finder".

Latent Power of Excel

"How to use Excel to visualize Tiger Woods' (and his competitors') distance and accuracy over time".

Des mots clés dans Firefox

Un screencast pour expliquer comment créer des mots clés pour lancer des recherches dans Firefox.

Heavy metal umlaut on Wikipedia : the movie

"8.5-minute screencast turns the change history of this Wiki page into a movie, scrolls forward and backward along the timeline of the document, and follows the development of several motifs".

by 2 others
"Share and find screencasts!"

Magic Microformat Forms Redux, Now with GreaseMonkey !

by 3 others
"...a cool hack for Movable Type that lets you easily generate in the hCalendar format from right within the application, using Firefox's GreaseMonkey extension".

Make OSS note page more useable

"Greasemonkey as a tool for fixing interface problems in "enterprise" web applications".

Designline for the Open Air blog template

by 3 others
Un gif animé pour visualiser "pas à pas" la construction d'un design CSS.

Sufficiently simple technology

"...our magical technologies aren't yet sufficiently advanced. If they were, they'd be as magically useful in failure mode as they are when they just work".

philippej's TAGS related to tag screencast

agregateurs +   ajax +   applications + +   css + +   design +   email +   excel +   firefox +   google +   greasemonkey +   html +   identite +   instant_messaging +   javascript +   linux +   microformats +   opml +   outils +   rss +   screencasting +   securite +   technologie +   technorati +   ubuntu +   web +   webdesign +   weblogue +   wiki +