July 2006
Must Ignore vs. Microformats
by 1 other"There’s simply no advantage to microformats compared to macroformats."
September 2005
Writing Semantic Markup
"It does us no good to have overly technical specifications that only hardcore developers can use, in the same way that it does us no good to have simplistic solutions written for non-techies that don't help us do things more efficiently".
June 2005
XML et RSS : chronique d'une mort annoncée ?
by 1 otherEst-ce que les microformats savent faire le café ? Je ne suis quand même pas sûr que foaf, rss ou vcard soient les meilleurs exemples de ce que peut-être un microformat.
May 2005
What Are Microformats ?
by 4 others"The XML ecosystem is expansive, in that lots of new ideas (or recycled old ideas) are continually being explored. If it can be done, someone, somewhere, is probably doing it. In this light, microformats are a refreshing new way of looking at tools we reg
(4 marks)