November 2005
What Should I Do With My Life?
by 1 otherMost of us don't get epiphanies. We only get a whisper -- a faint urge. That's it. That's the call. It's up to you to do the work of discovery, to connect it to an answer. Of course, there's never a single right answer. At some point, it feels right enoug
October 2005
Ericsson & Lehmann 1996: Expert and exceptional performance: Evidence of maximal adaptation to task
The belief that most anatomical and physiological characteristics are unmodifiable and thus reflect innate talent is not valid for expert performance acquired through at least a decade of intense practice
Passionate Amateurs
an amateur may be as competent as a paid professional, yet is motivated by a love or passion for the activity
September 2005
August 2005
February 2005
Creating Passionate Users: Upgrade your users, not just your product
"Learning is a drug. To the brain, learning new things is inherently pleasurable."
January 2005
Creating Passionate Users: Learning isn't a push model
I want to work with these people. =) They grok readers' brains.
Creating Passionate Users: Users shouldn't think about YOU
Focus on other people! =)
Creating Passionate Users: Keeping users engaged...
They talk about it to others. They can't help being evangelists. ... Give users a way to kick ass.
(17 marks)