public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag books



There’s a small but vibrant cottage industry of Muslim women writing romance novels, littattafan soyayya, in Northern Nigeria, a region best known for the acts of terrorist group Boko Haram. The writers face off with Islamic censors, and they sell their books in some of the same markets targeted by Boko Haram suicide bombers.  The books are about love and marriage. Some are subversive and speak out against human trafficking and child marriage, while others are submissive, advising women on how best to please their husbands, offering fantasies of escape, and tales of the poor girl marrying the rich man.   Guided by the themes of these novels, “Diagram of the Heart” explores romance, tradition, love and loss in the lives of women in Northern Nigeria.    "Diagram of the Heart" will be released as a photo book on February 11, 2016, published by Red Hook Editions. You can pre-order a copy now and read more about it here.                       

Henry Carroll - Books

The second book in the 'Read This' series is specifically about photographing people.  Split into seven sections - Composition, Context, The Gaze, Control, The Street, Black and White or Colour and The Psychology of Light -  this book covers all aspects of photographing people. Photographers include Richard Avedon, Cindy Sherman, Zed Nelson, Robert Bergman, Roger Ballen, Duane Michals, William Eggleston, Jeff Wall, Richard Renaldi, August Sander, Garry Winogrand and others. Available in all your favourite languages, as long as that's either English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Portuguese or Spanish.


The Believer Logger - An Experiment in Anxiety — An Experiment in Anxiety

Most authors give interviews when they’ve been done with their books for more than a year. After the long processes of copyediting, cover-approval, and book-tour scheduling, the actual composition of the book is a distant memory. The following conversation with the novelist Joshua Cohen was conducted last Tuesday, when he was about 40 percent finished with his new book, PCKWCK (his tenth)—and, for a few hours every day this week, the newest novel in existence.

Library of Babel

The Library of Babel is a place for scholars to do research, for artists and writers to seek inspiration, for anyone with curiosity or a sense of humor to reflect on the weirdness of existence - in short, it’s just like any other library. If completed, it would contain every possible combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space, comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been written, and every book that ever could be - including every play, every song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution, every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains 1,024,640 volumes.

Foreign Japanese Sweets - Moé Takemura

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Cookbook "Foreign Japanese Sweets" shows beginners how to make Japanese traditional desserts using ingredients available in Western countries.

Tokyo Ohanami - beau livre sur le Japon - Éditions Issekinicho | Editions Issekinicho

Textes, photographies et illustrations : Alexandre Bonnefoy Au Japon, après un hiver long, la floraison des cerisiers marque l’arrivée des beaux jours : c’est le ohanami. L’occasion pour la première fois de l’année de pique-niquer entre amis, en famille ou entre collègues. Deux semaines de toutes les attentions car la pluie et le vent peuvent détruire en quelques heures ces fleurs fragiles.


New York City Transit Authority Graphics Standards Manual

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This site is dedicated to serve as an archival record of a first edition NYCTA Graphics Standards Manual designed by Massimo Vignelli of Unimark International. The manual was found in a locker beneath old gym clothes. Roll over the images to magnify. Enjoy.

Dragnet Nation: Available Now | Julia Angwin

My book, Dragnet Nation: A Quest for Privacy, Security and Freedom in a World of Relentless Surveillance is now available on, Barnes & Noble and IndieBound. Here’s the description and some review

Le tool-book » NellyRodiLab

Quand certains parient sur la fin des livres, d’autres préfèrent leur donner une nouvelle fonction ; alors, les pages ne deviennent plus le support des mots mais se transforment en objet utilitaire. Water is Life lui a même donné une fonction de premier ordre : avec ses pages qui ont la capacité de filtrer l’eau non potable, son ‘Drinkable Manuel’ peut rendre l’eau consommable pour quelques euros.

Screening Sex -

À partir des années 1960, le cinéma américain commence à sortir de sa longue adolescence : Elizabeth Taylor prononce des mots jusqu’alors interdits, Dustin Hoffman perd sa virginité dans les bras de Mrs. Robinson, Jon Voight fait le gigolo dans les rues de New York. À Hollywood, la sexualité fait enfin son apparition comme sujet et comme question de mise en scène. Comment représenter les rapports charnels ? Comment les intégrer à la narration et à la vie émotionnelle des personnages ? Quelle expérience le spectateur fait-il de telles scènes ?


Autopsie - Bruno Mouron | Éditions de La Martinière

Dans un article du Monde, un professeur d’université en sociologie a exposé son étude consacrée à l’analyse des poubelles pour appréhender la consommation et les comportements sociaux. Bruno Mouron et Pascal Rostain, paparazzi de profession, ont décidé de « faire les poubelles » de leurs clients habituels, les célébrités. Et ce qui fut au départ un gag de presse est vite devenu une réflexion plastique.

Dave Eggers made me quit Twitter -

Now that I’m back on social media, I’m realizing that the answer isn’t necessarily to deprive yourself. It’s better to find a balance and not think of your life as existing in 140 characters or status updates.

A World Without Privacy -

In his great and prophetic novel “1984,” George Orwell laid out his vision of what totalitarianism would look like if taken to its logical extreme. The government — in the form of Big Brother — sees all and knows all. The Party rewrites the past and controls the present. Heretics pop up on television screens so they can be denounced by the populace.

TRAÎTRISE – La sœur de Mark Zuckerberg s’élève contre l’addiction aux réseaux sociaux | Big Browser

Cette année, le repas de Thanksgiving risque d'être tendu chez les Zuckerberg. Directrice marketing de Facebook jusqu'en 2011 et désormais entrepreneuse indépendante, Randi Zuckerberg, la sœur de Mark, publie un livre pour enfants (à paraître le 5 novembre) qui explique les dangers de l'abus d'utilisation d'Internet et critique l'addiction aux réseaux sociaux, relate le New York Magazine.

Simogo - DEVICE 6

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A surreal thriller in which the written word is your map, as well as your narrator. DEVICE 6 plays with the conventions of games and literature, entwines story with geography and blends puzzle and novella, to draw players into an intriguing mystery of technology and neuroscience.

Introducing Atavist Books

Atavist Books is in partnership with Atavist, a media and software company that publishes award-winning long-form nonfiction. Founded by publisher Frances Coady, IAC’s Barry Diller, and producer Scott Rudin, Atavist Books is delighted to announce that it will be launching in March 2014 with a digital-only novella by New York Times bestselling author Karen Russell.

Bookkake — Dirty Books

Books that rub off on your skin, that clot beneath your fingernails; leave you shaking, and panting for more. Literature should have a physical effect on you, making you moan and scream. We love dirty books. Welcome to Bookkake. Bookkake‘s mission is to publish new and classic literature and other work which breaks the mould, that excites and enthralls, that take our readers out of themselves and into new realms of imagination.

MACK - Martin Kollar - Field Trip

Between November 2009 and January 2011, Slovakian photographer Martin Kollar spent extended periods of time working and living in Israel, building a photographic dossier on one of the most contentious geographical zones of modern history. Kollar’s past, a childhood spent behind the Iron Curtain, echoed unexpectedly during his time in Israel. The delineated territories of today’s Israel mirror the partition walls of Communist Czechoslovakia during ‘normalisation’. Random police searches and detentions piqued Kollar’s sense of constantly being under surveillance and the subject of suspicion.

Little Brother – Cory Doctorow | Les mots de Mélo

Fan de nouvelles technologies et de jeux vidéo en réseau, Marcus, 17 ans, mène une vie sans histoires… même s’il défie parfois les caméras de surveillance du lycée ou pirate quelques sites Internet. Jusqu’au jour où il est pris dans les mailles d’un service anti-terroriste, emprisonné et torturé. Marcus décide alors de combattre les abus du pouvoir en utilisant ses talents informatiques. Un acte de résistance, qui se transformera en un vaste mouvement de rébellion…

Artistic Foundations of Bonsai Design

This book is an effort to help bonsai enthusiasts understand how to use time-honored methods—artistic methods—for producing more successful and meaningful bonsai designs and displays. The text will examine in some detail the language of art as applied to bonsai. This examination of what some perhaps mistakenly call the rules of bonsai is meant to explain and expound upon the commonly cited fundamentals of bonsai styling that are referenced in other texts.

Halcyon Realms – Animation.Film.Photography and Art Book Reviews » » 空の記憶 – Shinkai Makoto background artbook

“空の記憶” ( Memories of the sky ) is a mesmerizingly beautiful, richly comprehensive collection of background art from Shinkai Makoto’s animation films, dating back from his earlier works “Voices of a Distance Star” to his latest “5 Centimeters”.


The World According to Illustrators and Storytellers Contemporary maps in line with the zeitgeist by today’s most original and sought-after designers, illustrators, and mapmakers.