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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag food


Edible and Stackable DIY LEGO Gummy Candy | Colossal

Grant Thompson of the King of Random just shared a great tutorial on how to make completely edible gummy LEGO bricks and figures using a mixture of corn syrup, Jello, and gelatin. Using the right molds, the pieces are so precise you can actually build with them. Unlike the chocolate LEGO bricks we featured a few months ago, these look somewhat simple to make. (via The Awesomer)

Foreign Japanese Sweets - Moé Takemura

by 1 other (via)
Cookbook "Foreign Japanese Sweets" shows beginners how to make Japanese traditional desserts using ingredients available in Western countries.


| ChefSteps

There’s a reason that chefs and enthusiastic home cooks the world over are so smitten with Japanese knives. Lovingly crafted from the finest and most durable materials, these sexy, slender blades allow us to achieve perfectly sliced sashimi, delicate chiffonades, and meticulously diced vegetables. Today, even the most famous European knifemakers have mostly abandoned hand-forging, yet the Japanese continue to offer extraordinary made-from-scratch tools, along with innovative hybrids that combine sturdy, factory-created handles with remarkably slender, hand-forged blades. The upshot is an instrument of uncommon beauty and elegance that’s still relatively affordable. Here you’ll find 10 knives that we use, and love, in our own kitchens. Whether you’re looking for an efficient little utility blade to go all day in the kitchen or a long, elegant chef’s knife to up your chopping game, you can’t go wrong with this collection of superior tools.

How to Advertise on a Porn Website | Eat24 Blog

Hi, we’re Eat24. If you already know us – hey sexy, welcome back, looking good. If you’re new, let’s catch you up: Eat24 is the Internet’s favorite food delivery app and website. The first rule of Eat24 Club used to be “don’t talk about Eat24 Club,” but that  turned out to be a terrible marketing strategy

Anova Culinary | Sous Vide Immersion Circulators and Precision Cookers by Anova

We Make the World's Best Sous Vide Devices. Smarter Cooking. Better Results.

Edible Chocolate LEGOs by Akihiro Mizuuchi | Colossal

Illustrator and designer Akihiro Mizuuchi designed a modular system for creating edible chocolate LEGO bricks. Chocolate is first poured into precisely designed moulds that after cooling can be popped out and used as regular LEGOs. It’s hard to determine exactly how functional they are, it seems like he had success in building a number of different things, though I can only imagine how quickly they might melt in your hands, but I suppose that’s beside the point; this is two of the greatest things in the world fused together. If you google around there are numerous attempts at creating various forms of LEGO in chocolate or other food, but this appears to be the most detailed and well-designed of anything out there. (via Legosaurus)

How A Former Google Data Guy Could Change What We Eat For Breakfast | TechCrunch

Hampton Creek, the plant-based egg startup known for its product “Just Mayo,” launched in Dollar Tree this week and is expanding its operations to a 90k square-footfacility in the heart of San Francisco in the next few months. On top of that, it just lured away Google’s main data guy, Dan Zigmond. The reason? To turn the food industrial complex on its head. Zigmond has tackled complex data problems for the last eight years for both YouTube and Google maps. His new plan is to build the world’s largest plant database at Hampton Creek. This, in turn, may just change what you and I put in our mouths every morning without us even knowing it. But first…

marmalade bleue

Danielle Evans is an urban Columbus, Ohio native. She derives great pleasure in walking everywhere, taking food photos on instagram, and being 'the cool aunt'. Her heartstrings are plucked by lettering and typography, which she exhibits through brush pen, paper cutting and most notably, dimensional type. She art directs, food styles, and collaborates with personable and quirky clients to achieve authentic, evocative, and approachable work for editorials and advertising.

About - ChefSteps

We develop high-quality content, tools, and resources that will inspire and educate cooks at any skill level. Our team of award-winning chefs, filmmakers, and engineers demonstrates modern culinary concepts with beautiful, compelling visuals, and shows the why’s behind the how’s of every recipe and technique. ChefSteps also provides cooks with the tools they need to connect with others, empowering people worldwide to help each other become more efficient, creative, and successful in the kitchen.

Beware: Your chocolate chip cookie is spying on you | MNN - Mother Nature Network

The White House may be asking food marketers to be responsible when it comes to marketing to kids, but the snack food industry still needs to keep increasing its profits. Mondelez International, the company that owns brands like Chips Ahoy and Ritz, is going about it in an intrusive and rather creepy way. This is something you need to be aware of.

Le tool-book » NellyRodiLab

Quand certains parient sur la fin des livres, d’autres préfèrent leur donner une nouvelle fonction ; alors, les pages ne deviennent plus le support des mots mais se transforment en objet utilitaire. Water is Life lui a même donné une fonction de premier ordre : avec ses pages qui ont la capacité de filtrer l’eau non potable, son ‘Drinkable Manuel’ peut rendre l’eau consommable pour quelques euros.

V Magazine: In honor of Mothers around the world (pt 1 of 2) ...

In honor of Mothers around the world (pt 1 of 2) 'Delicatessen With Love', took photographer Gabriele Galimberti to 58 countries where he photographed grandmothers with both the ingredients and finished signature. view complete gallery on his website

Lizzie Widdicombe: Could Soylent Replace Food? : The New Yorker

Soylent has been heralded by the press as “the end of food,” which is a somewhat bleak prospect. It conjures up visions of a world devoid of pizza parlors and taco stands—our kitchens stocked with beige powder instead of banana bread, our spaghetti nights and ice-cream socials replaced by evenings sipping sludge.


Restaurant Pertica à Vendôme - Guide FOODING®

Dans son Objet Toqué Non Identifié (façade en acier oxydé, lustre géant en forme d’araignée, murs de chanvre…), à l’enseigne de Pertica (« perche » en latin, en référence à sa région d’origine), Guillaume Foucault, jeune cador passé chez Senderens et Barbot, vous embarque pour un voyage en avant-garderie culinaire. Du « petit » menu à 32 €, on se souviendra longtemps de son hallucinant amuse-bouche de choux à la crème de flouve (chiendent odorant) avec, au cœur, un goût de vodka à l’herbe de bison ;  mais aussi de la soupe de tomates bien mûres à la réglisse subtilement infusée ; du bouquet d’herbes et de courgettes jaunes et vertes mandolinées, assaisonnées d’huile de pépins de raisin infusée aux fleurs d’aubépine et rehaussées de faisselle de chèvre fouettée au citron confit ; de la tomme de brebis rafraîchie à la poire crapaud… Deux bémols cependant (probablement depuis corrigés – la maison n’avait qu’une semaine lors de notre passage…) : la cannette aux aubergines grillées, laquées d’huile de sésame, sauce huître et soja, avec feuilles de moutarde, copeaux de prune séchée et une tête d’ail vinaigrée au nuoc-mam, aux goûts pas très équilibrés ; et le sablé au chocolat au lait, plus croquant que sableux, flanqué d’un sorbet cassis point trop gourmand. Belle sélection de flacons locaux : coteaux-du-vendômois gris Domaine de Montrieux (22 €), coteaux-du-loir blanc Vieilles Vignes Eparses du Domaine de Bellivière (33 €), VDF de la vallée du Loir rouge Regard des Vignes de l’Ange Vin (36 €)… Vins au verre à partir de 5 €. Menus 18 € (midi), 32 et 40 €. // F.L.

Mythologies du saké - Arts & Spectacles - France Culture

Avec Toshiro Kuroda, spécialiste du saké, propriétaire de la boutique Issé à Paris.

The Famous Foods Of Every Japanese Prefecture [North, East, Central]

Since we’re getting ready to pop over to Japan to do some filming, I wanted to do some research on all the famous foods of every area in Japan. Japan’s really into the whole “famous things in each area” thing, and food is no exception. Each prefecture has its own famous food(s) that they’re known for. Might as well know what they are to eat them, right? The hard part is figuring out what all the famous foods are, since there are many and it’s unclear as to what is the most famous food in certain situations. - "Businessmen en robe de bure"

Il vit au verso du monde. Où le temps et l’espace se sont figés à jamais. Où les repères habituels se sont définitivement évanouis. Ici, les jours défilent sans cris ni rires, sans télé ni iPod, sans « Star Ac’ » ni Johnny, sans Sarkozy ni Villepin. Notre propre vie quotidienne, forcément moderne et trépidante, n’est plus qu’une musique fuyante et bien lointaine. A peine perceptible. Frère Alexis - robe de rugueux coton blanc et scapulaire noir pour le haut, sandales de cuir sur chaussettes blanches en bas - s’est choisi ce destin-là. Ce moine trappiste de 38 ans, né protestant à Los Angeles, de parents boulangers émigrés en Californie, a déjà passé près de la moitié de son existence derrière les murs de l’abbaye de Sept-Fons, pétrifiée, vénérable, intimidante. Ce grand gaillard ne s’imaginait pas quitter un jour les plages de surf pour céder à 22 ans à l’appel de Dieu, et se trouver reclus dans la brume froide du bocage bourbonnais, dans un monastère à l’âge canonique, posé au milieu de nulle part, en prisonnier volontaire du silence, de la prière et de la contemplation, selon les exigences de l’ascèse la plus pure.

Share Everything: Why the Way We Consume Has Changed Forever - Emily Badger - The Atlantic Cities

“What’s really going on here is the urbanization of the world and the reurbanization of American cities,” Turner says. “Either consciously or subconsciously, [people] are realizing that that involves the public realm, the commons, sharing goods and services and infrastructure. And I think that kind of bleeds into your personal life.” In other words, if you’ll share a subway car, why not a kitchen?


Fat & furious burger.

Un vendredi. Deux estomacs vides. Une pause déjeuner. Deux ventres qui s'expriment. Une envie de gras. Deux foies solides. Un burger