October 2009
Role Scoper | wordpress.org
Role Scoper is a comprehensive access control solution, giving you CMS-like control of reading and editing permissions. Assign restrictions and roles to specific pages, posts or categories
August 2009
User Access Manager | wordpress.org
With the "User Access Manager"-plugin you can manage the access to your posts, pages and files. You only create a user group, put registered users to this and set up the rights for this group. From now on the post/page is only accessible and writable for the specified group. This plugin is useful if you need a member area or a private section at your blog or you want that other people can write at your blog but not everywhere.
Page Restrict | wordpress.org
This wordpress plugin will allow you to restrict all, none, or certain pages to logged in users only.
June 2008
Access Key ID and Secret Access Key | Amazon.com
Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
(4 marks)