July 2010
GoGoPlot is a simple and free utility that lets you track the small numbers in your life, graph the results and combine them to find the patterns.
February 2010
Tynt Insight: What's being copied from your site? | tynt.com
by 3 othersWhen you copy text from a website and paste it somewhere else, it automatically includes a “Read more: URL” at end of paste
August 2009
Audit Trail Plugin - Keep track of changes to your WordPress site | urbangiraffe.com
plugin to keep track of what is going on inside your blog. It does this by recording certain actions (such as who logged in and when) and storing this information in the form of a log. Not only that but it records the full contents of posts (and pages) and allows you to restore a post to a previous version at any time.
May 2009
On The Job 3 - Time & Expense Tracking and Invoicing for Mac OS X | stuntsoftware.com
by 1 otherSoft de gestion du temps et des dépenses pour Mac
January 2009
Userfly | userfly.com
by 3 othersOutil online pour screencaster les users de son site en mettant une simple ligne de javascript
(5 marks)