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PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags IonCube & finance

March 2009

Affects of Bad Credit

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Money management is an important part of life and unfortunately, it is not correctly taught to most children. Kids that don't know the value of money turn into teens that don't know the value of money and they never learn how to correctly manage their...

Consider Credit Consolidation to Relieve Debt

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Are you deep in debt and looking for a way out? Are you living paycheck to paycheck, paying bills late and barely scraping by? Managing your personal finances can be tough and there are many people in your same situation. There are some things you can ...

February 2009

Is making a Budget Difficult?

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Budgeting is a scary word to many people. It is nerve-wracking because it means you have to stop spending money. It is scary because it means hours and hours spend bent over a spreadsheet trying to figure out how to save even more. They think that t...

Forex the power of Volume and Price:

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Forex Trading can be as simple or difficult as we choose to make it. This is something that you can individual choose. With so many different types of technical analysis from Japanese candlesticks, MACD, RSI to help guide us when trading, sometimes thi...

CFD Trading and The 80/20 Rule

Are you looking for simple CFD trading ideas that you can use in your CFD trading system to help you achieve higher profits from your CFD trading instantly. Well it is time that you looked at this, it will add excellent profits to your CFD trading.

January 2009

Loans - Collection Process on Personal Loans

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Personal loans are available for a variety of uses. Most individuals who obtain them have every intention of repaying them as outlined in the terms of the loan. However, we all know that life can have plans for us that differ from what we envision for ...

Best Student Loan Consolidation Programs

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By the time you finish college, it is more than likely that you will have several loans. Four or more years of loan debt can leave you with several repayments to different loan agencies. In most situations, you are required to apply for a new loan each...

Credit Card Snowball Effect and How to beat it

by 1 other
Americans have on average three credit cards per household carrying a combined balance of nearly 12,000 thousand dollars and most are just paying the minimum payment due.

Back to Financial School

by 1 other
Can it be?! It\'s hard to believe, but millions of people are preparing to go back to school already. Speaking of which I\'ve noticed how Financial Literacy programs are beginning to pop up in schools now. At last! Maybe Home Economics (am I dating mys...

How Cash Back Increases Your Income

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We all are looking for ways to increase our income and using cash back methods is one method that works for just about everyone. We no longer go shopping without using such methods as coupons, rebate offers and any other method of saving. We find that ...

Five Advantages to Choosing a Remortgage

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Are you on the proverbial fence when it comes to choosing to remortgage your home or business. If you are not sure which way to go, why not check out these top five reasons to choose remortgage as a viable option.

Role of Corporate Finance in a Fiscal System

by 1 other
The sector of finance wherein all the fiscal decisions are taken by conglomerates is called as corporate finance. It also includes the tools and analysis required to formulate such decisions. Corporate finance is majorly involved in capitalizing the bu...

Home Insurance Tips For Peace Of Mind

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Brits need to follow important home insurance tips when looking to protect their most valuable property. Finding the right cover at the right price is as important to a home buyer as getting a good deal on the purchase of the property. Many home owners...

Startup Financial Models

by 1 other
To understand the need and importance of startup financial models, we first need to know what exactly it is that the financial sector involves itself in. Financial institutions, such as investment companies, banks and security firms handle the flow of ...

Advantages of Low Interest Credit Cards

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Credit cards when used in a proper manner can be very beneficial to the card holder. And a credit card with lower interest is of utmost benefit to the consumer. Some people stick to their first credit card, without even thinking of switching over to a ...

Startup Financial Models

by 1 other
To understand the need and importance of startup financial models, we first need to know what exactly it is that the financial sector involves itself in. Financial institutions, such as investment companies, banks and security firms handle the flow of ...

Putting Corporate Credit Together

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Don\'t let yourself get frustrated when it comes to getting the corporate credit you need. It isn\'t going to be a cake walk but it doesn\'t have to be something that sends you to the brink of insanity either. Do what you can for your business from the...

Look For The Most Suitable Credit Card

In order to find the right credit card you need to assess your spending and repayment habits, as this will help to determine which credit card is right for your needs.

How to Save Cash for the Big Purchases

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As a society, we are used to the convenience of nearly everything. For many, debt begins to spiral out of control because people think their bit of plastic is nothing more than a convenient way to satisfy their gotta-have-it-now attitude. Many fail to ...

Look For The Most Suitable Credit Card

by 1 other
In order to find the right credit card you need to assess your spending and repayment habits, as this will help to determine which credit card is right for your needs.

American Financial Crisis

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What started the latest addition of the American Financial Crisis was, Fiat Money, you know what I\'m talking about. Mickey Mouse money. Paper, just stand back a few yards and take a look at the stuff....

Back to Financial School

by 1 other
Can it be?! It's hard to believe, but millions of people are preparing to go back to school already. Speaking of which I've noticed how Financial Literacy programs are beginning to pop up in schools now. At last! Maybe Home Economics (am I dating mysel...

Startup Financial Models

by 1 other
To understand the need and importance of startup financial models, we first need to know what exactly it is that the financial sector involves itself in. Financial institutions, such as investment companies, banks and security firms handle the flow of ...

8 Easy Tips for Cheaper Home Insurance

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No one likes paying for home insurance, but it's a necessary evil for most of us. This doesn't mean you have to pay through the nose for it though - try these 8 easy tips for cheaper home insurance and see how much you could reduce your premiums by.

Don't Abuse Your Corporate Credit

by 1 other
Having corporate credit doesn't give you a free ticket to use it. The wise business owner understands this from the very start. If you aren't good at handling your own finances, then you aren't going to be much better with business credit. You need to ...

smartestbiz's TAGS related to tag IonCube

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