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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tag html


IBM and Obama help put Cold-Hard-Cash in Startups hands

You're a tireless Entrepreneur working long hard hours - you need cash to hire key hackers to finish your code and launch your awesome dream - If that sounds like you, then you should jump on this opportunity to get seed money from the White House-led Startup America campaign and IBM.


Learn HTML5 with these 4 quick HTML5 coding examples

In Tip-1, learn about the File API and how to drag & drop hard drive files to a webpage. In Tip-2 you code HTML5 using ContentEditable and LocalStorage to create a web sticky note. In Tip3 you will learn how to code HTML5 geolocation for the iPhone. In Tip-4 learn how easy it is to code drag and drop.

6 tips for using the XML flavor of HTML5

Because of HTML5's momentum, it is now a technology that every XML developer has to deal with. Fortunately HTML5 supports a proper XML serialization. Learn aboutthe XML form of HTML5 including some key differences from older XHTML conventions and learn how to practically apply this vocabulary in modern web browsers.

Customizing MediaWiki the Wikipedia wiki Engine

The MediaWiki application is probably best known for being the engine behind Wikipedia. This article will show you how to create different types of extensions for MediaWiki: wiki variables, special pages, and new tags. You'll also get a quick overview of what you'll need to do to create skins for MediaWiki.

Creating mobile Web applications with HTML 5, Part 1

Combine HTML 5, geolocation APIs, and Web services to create mobile mashups. Learn how to find and track location coordinates to use in various Web services.

Creating mobile Web applications with HTML 5, Part 2

Unlock local storage for mobile Web applications with HTML 5. Improve the speed of your mobile apps with standardized local storage

Build Web applications with HTML 5

This article coveres some of the new HTML 5 capabilities of modern browsers including powerful HTML 5 features such as multi-threading, geolocation, embedded databases, and embedded video. Learn how to use them in your applications.


Display realtime Twitter Tweet stream with QueryPath

The new QueryPath library, a PHP cousin of the jQuery JavaScript library, offers an efficient API for working with XML, HTML, and HTTP. In this article, Walk through a simple example and build a small script that workes with the Web services API of the popular Twitter microblogging service, to execute a specific search on Twitter's server and print the results as HTML. Such a tool can be added to an existing Web site to show recent Twitter activity on a topic of interest.

Speed up your Web pages 80% for dial-up users

Not everyone is blessed with a high-speed Internet connection. Even if everyone were, there can be hundreds of reasons why your Web application seems slow and sluggish. In this age of ever-increasing broadband speed, don't think that you shouldn't pay attention to page load times. Learn how to Shave off valuable seconds of your page load times and even more valuable milliseconds of your request and response times. This article provides over twenty tips that will help you create a faster and better experience for your visitors.

The five best practices for SOA Web 2.0

In this article, two experienced SOA architects look at the new world of Web 2.0 technologies with a critical eye and present five best practices that can help you be more successful in adopting Ajax, REST, and other Web 2.0 technologies as part of your SOA. There are several major areas in which they have learned some very painful lessons. They share these with you to spare you similar distress, and to help you get a jump on your SOA Web 2.0 success.


Analyze your content and build a specialized DTD

You might wonder "I have some content that might be a candidate for topic specialization. What's next?" This tutorial walks you through the design, implementation, and testing of a DITA topic specialization. After reviewing some sample content and mocking up some DITA versions, you'll create the DITA specialization DTD, revise the samples to conform to it, and then test them by creating XHTML versions of the sample documents with the DITA Open Toolkit to make sure that everything is in place.

The future of XML

How will you use XML in years to come? The wheels of progress turn slowly, but turn they do. The crystal ball might be a little hazy, but the outline of XML's future is becoming clear. The exact time line is a tad uncertain, but where XML is going isn't. XML's future lies with the Web, and more specifically with Web publishing.

Faster RSS and Atom filtering with XQuery

XQuery offers a flexible method to process XML files. Some find this method is easier to follow syntactically. See how XQuery makes it much easier to merge and filter information from XML documents when you embed the filtering instructions right into the document that you use to generate the output format. You can use that functionality to aggregate information from RSS and Atom feeds into the format you need.

Create dynamic Firefox user interfaces

Learn how to use Ajax to download XML data from a Web server, and discover how you can use XSLT to transform it dynamically into Firefox user-interface elements expressed in XML User Interface Language (XUL). By the end of the tutorial, you'll be able to apply the techniques to any XML-based data source used to drive a Firefox application.


Is XHTML V2 a valid successor to HTML5?

Some prominent HTML specialists outside the W3C—browser vendors, Web developers, authors, and other stakeholders—disagree with the direction of XHTML V2. Uncover the bigger picture behind the details of the XHTML V2 and HTML V5 competing standards and learn about their appeal to different audiences.

Finaly we get new elements in HTML 5

Pure HTML enhancements grew hardly at all in the last eight years. It basicaly stopped in 1999 with HTML 4. Now the future looks bright. Recently, HTML has finaly came back to life. Eight years is a long time to wait for new features, especially in the fast-moving world of the Web. Take a look at how HTML 5 is restoring some of the excitement of the early days of the web with its new enhancements.

solrac's TAGS related to tag html

ajax +   android +   app +   application +   apps +   atom +   code +   html5 +   internet +   iphone +   java +   javascript +   linux +   microblogging +   mobile +   php +   programming +   QueryPath +   rest +   rss +   smartphone +   tweET +   twitter +   web +   web 2.0 +   web application +   web development +   web page +   xhtml +   XHTML5 +   xml +   ZQuery +