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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag dev


Comment nous avons remplacé Google Docs par notre propre éditeur collaboratif - Contexte - L’information dont les professionnels ont besoin.

Chez Contexte, notre principal produit d’information est l’e-mail. Les briefings quotidiens sont le fruit d’une intervention croisée d’une multitude d’acteurs, du journaliste au rédacteur-réviseur en passant par le chargé de veille. Après plusieurs années sur Google Docs, les limites de la solution nous ont poussés à développer notre propre outil d’édition collaborative : Echo. Je vous raconte comment.


Accueil - Numérique écoresponsable

Notre mission Évaluer et améliorer l’impact environnemental du numérique du service public.


Preview Local Projects with Cloudflare Tunnel · Cloudflare Pages docs

It is an alternative to popular tools like Ngrok , and provides free, long-running tunnels via the TryCloudflare service.

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Next Generation Frontend Tooling


Overview · Lando Documentation

Lando is for developers who want to: Quickly specify and painlessly spin up the services and tools needed to develop their projects. Specify these local development dependencies in a per-project, lives-in-git config file called .lando.yml Automate complex build steps, testing setups, deployments or other repeated-more-than-once workflows Avoid the built-in-masochism of directly using docker or docker-compose

Snap Kit

Snap Kit lets developers like you integrate some of Snapchat’s best features across your platform — and lets your community share their favorite moments from your app with their friends, and Snapchatters across the world!




MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to display in a web interface. Run mailcatcher, set your favourite app to deliver to smtp:// instead of your default SMTP server, then check out to see the mail that's arrived so far.

DevTools Remote — Debug your browser tabs remotely via Chrome DevTools.

DevTools Remote enables you to share access to a browser tab, so it can be debugged remotely via Chrome DevTools


Revealing hidden assumptions in estimation - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

It is trivial to estimate a new feature as trivial. All too often, programmers and users both fall into this trap. A programmer says, “let’s just make it do X.” A user says on a forum, “its only Y, how hard can it be?” Just and only are two of the most insidious words in the English language. They hide mountains of assumptions behind them, and blind the speaker to the realities of the situation. Even worse, the speaker is implicitly agreeing to be blindfolded, making it even more difficult for them to see the assumptions their words are masking.


Download: IE App Compat VHD - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details

Windows Virtual PC VHDs for testing websites with different Internet Explorer version