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by 1 otherVideopian - Upian Source
by 4 othersCeci est la documentation de la classe PHP Videopian, qui permet de récupérer les informations d'une vidéo hébergée sur un service de partage de vidéos à partir de son URL.
Zend Framework: Documentation
For year there are two specifiers available which are often mistaken. The Y specifier for the ISO year and the y specifier for the real year. The difference is small but significant. Y calculates the ISO year, which is often used for calendar formats. See for example the 31. December 2007. The real year is 2007, but it is the first day of the first week in the week 1 of the year 2008. So, if you are using 'dd.MM.yyyy' you will get '31.December.2007' but if you use 'dd.MM.YYYY' you will get '31.December.2008'. As you see this is no bug but a expected behaviour depending on the used specifiers.