What about blogmarks.net ? « bmPress forums
bmPress and blogmarks.net are separate projects.
You can see bmPress as a personal edition of blogmarks.net that you can run where you like and customise. Plus, bmPress is open source so everyone can enhance it.
The two projects can interact, for example we have plan to release bmPress synchronisation tools with blogmarks.net, delicious.com and other services.
I can guarantee blogmarks.net will continue to run for some years ;-)
Netvibes : About
François Hodierne
Chief Architect
François joined netvibes in early 2006. He leads the technical team and has a special interest in web services and widget APIs. He has a licence from Les Gobelins.
Previously he was the Technical Director at Upian.com a web agency and was involved in the presidentielles.net project.
A passionate for social media and web 2.0 technolgies, Francois also founded Hotlinks & Blogmarks.net in 2004, two social bookmarking services.