Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) overview
(via)copying an existing initrd file, using cpio commands as described in linux/Documentation/initrd.txt might not always be sufficient...
A Smackerel of Opinion: Dumping ACPI tables using acpidump and acpixtract
(via)tells me how to get a dump of ACPI, but not how to understand what to do with it. Esp. My table reports 4 CPUs on a dual-core machine :P
Return Infinity - Pure64 - Manual
(via)os_NumCores identifies within the system how many cores your machine has. Les informations semblent être extraites de os_IOAPICAddress ou os_LocalAPICAddress ... à vérifier.
GRUB2 EFI Support « Musings of an OS plumber
help, anyone ?
The Linux BootPrompt-HowTo
(via)sometimes, it's good to have all "boot-time arguments" of the Linux kernel at hand. Here you are
Main Page - OSDevWiki
plein, plein, plein d'info ^_^
Et quelques pages de mon crû.
Details of GRUB on the PC
by 1 other (via)well described .. the basic info you'll love to have when starting to mess with your own OS
icdcsw,26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW'06)
a monstruous collection of workshop papers
(13 marks)