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PUBLIC MARKS from sylvainulg with tag kernel



linux kernel module documentation

note that kbuild will clear EXTRA_CFLAGS of its former content before it invokes back your module's Makefile.

Blackmagic Decklink SDI and Linux | Stream #0

The card was not recognised with this kernel [upgraded 2.6.39]. Booting [Mint Debian] into the original 2.6.32 kernel overcame this problem and the card was recognised.




Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) overview

copying an existing initrd file, using cpio commands as described in linux/Documentation/initrd.txt might not always be sufficient...



netfilter/iptables project homepage - The "libnetfilter_queue" project

doh. the one below is deprecated. If you did iptables [...] -j QUEUE, this is what happens next.

Manpage of LIBIPQ

a barebone example of the "queue-to-userland-processing" feature of netfilter


LinShim6 | INL: IP Networking Lab

host identification header (for IPv6) implemented by UCL guys in linux kernel.

inotify for Linux - Edoceo, Inc.

given that you installed the package liblinux-inotify2-perl, you can quite simply get notifications in PERL. Here's how ^_^ nb: bindings also exists for python and ruby, and inotify-tools package provide watch & wait commands suitable for shell-scripters.

The Linux BootPrompt-HowTo

sometimes, it's good to have all "boot-time arguments" of the Linux kernel at hand. Here you are

Linux: VM Swappiness Autoregulation | KernelTrap

default swappiness of asmodan was 60. Let's try 30, and have the kernel tries harder to find free memory...


What is

another mysterious thing about the linux kernel

Cxx in the Linux Kernel

I love guys who dare to do what they're told they shouldn't try to do. Especially when it comes about porting something where it's not supposed to go.