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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags apple & quicktime

08 July 2009 20:15

Apple - Quicktime - Quicktime Player

Like to take a magic carpet ride? Just launch QuickTime Player, and there’s no telling where you’re likely to land. The Player may whisk you to the Moon or perhaps to an exotic location on this planet. Take you on a virtual field trip to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Or treat you to the latest news, movie trailers, music videos, HBO series or PBS specials.

24 June 2009 07:45

QuickTime download

O QuickTime acabou de ser lançado e está perguntando aonde você quer aterrissar. Ele pode te levar até a lua ou quem sabe para um lugar exótico no planeta. Participe de uma viagem virtual através de museus, saiba as últimas notícias, veja trailers de filmes, clipes de vídeo, séries do canal por assinatura HBO e conteúdo interativo especial.

25 November 2007 21:45

Apple - iPhone

by 12 others
Features * Revolutionary Phone * Widescreen iPod * Breakthrough Internet Device * High Technology

25 November 2007 20:45

25 November 2007 20:15

22 October 2007 14:00

22 October 2007 13:45

22 October 2007 13:30

Apple - Downloads

About Geophoto Geotag photos and other documents easily, then browse them by navigating through a three-dimensional representation of the Earth. Ovolab Geophoto brings geotagging to your desktop, allowing you to instantly locate a picture taken in Yosemite National Park, or a document that refers to a specific location, just as easily. Also browse other peopl… Read more.

22 October 2007 13:15

Apple - iPod iTunes

by 4 others
Watch the Keynote Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveils the new iPods. Learn more

05 August 2007 05:15

23 June 2007 21:45

21 May 2007 19:15