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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags art & "themes gnome"

October 2009

July 2009

May 2009

Kalahari 5 Login

Kalahari 5 Login Ubuntu GDM Theme robertn robertn - Robert Negele Germany last visit Sep 25 2008 1 friends 1 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Kalahari 5 Login zoom Downloads: 210 Submitted: Mar 9 2008 Score: score57W%score 57% good bad good License: GPL send to a friend subscription other artwork from robertn

Ubuntu Paper

Ubuntu Paper Ubuntu GDM Theme mechevar mechevar - Mike Echevarria United States of America, Washington DC last visit Dec 31 2007 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Ubuntu Paper zoom Downloads: 499 Submitted: Nov 15 2007 Score: score70p%score 70% good bad good Description: Default Ubuntu Human theme with font color changes and Ubuntu Paper background by Niall Brown. License: GPL

Siddolo’s Open Lab

Qualche giorno fa, andando a leggere su, trovo un commento positivo sul mio tema “Acemone”: l’autore è Luca De Marini, aka DarkMaster, il capoprogetto di OpenGEU. OpenGEU è una distribuzione Linux derivata da Ubuntu, che mira ad essere, semplicemente, bella. Eye-candy e design sono le parole d’ordine. Ebbene, mi è stato chiesto di entrare a far parte del team, come designer per i temi GDM. La prossima versione, basata su Ubuntu Jaunty, avrà quindi anche la mia firma, il mio contributo, per i due temi Sunshine e Moonlight che, ovviamente, saranno distribuiti anche qui sul mio blog ;) Ancora non riesco a crederci, e voglio ringraziare chi mi sostiene, mi visita sul blog, mi commenta e mi aiuta in questi lavori. Grazie davvero, questo traguardo l’ho raggiunto anche grazie a voi!

Kalahari 3 login

Description: Kalahari 3 has no Useralbum and I really like that Useralbum of the Linux Mint Glass 1.0 GDM Mint Glass?content=69323 ist just a little modified So is tryed a new combination with Marcels Wallpaper, found at Sunset?content=65063 Hope you like it, too. Greethings Robert License: GPL

Ubuntu Smooth

Ubuntu Smooth 1.1 GDM Theme soA soA - Sobhy Abd Alwahed last visit May 14 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Ubuntu Smooth zoom Depends on: GNOME 2.x Downloads: 1453 Submitted: Apr 30 2009 Updated: May 1 2009 Score: score70p%score 70% good bad good Description: This GDM is a combination between Minty GDM and the NEW Human GDM. Hope you like it. Changelog: Version 1.1: - Align the text box to center. - Add shadow to the text entry. - Change the action button's color - Fix shutdown button.

Siddolo’s Open Lab » Blog Archive » Tema GDM: Acemone 0.50

Approfitto di un giorno di malattia per fare un bel passo avanti sul blog. Finalmente riesco a rilasciare un tema di login per GDM, il gestore del login più in voga sui sistemi Linux. Si chiama Acemone: è ancora una versione prematura, ma utilizzabile. Ringrazio tantissimo l’amico Eduardo Mejia per avermi permesso di usare il suo splendido sfondo ‘Amanecer’ per questo tema. Se volete andare a trovarlo e innamorarvi anche voi dei suoi splendidi artworks potete visitare il suo deviantArt. Un grazie va anche a Danilo ‘TheMirror’ Romelli, per la sua traduzione della documentazione sui tag dei temi GDM. Cliccate sul bottone qui sotto per scaricare il tema! :)


Description: Wow, it is my first GDM theme. GDM is the major Linux login manager, flexible and customizable. This theme is named Acemone: altough it is an easrly version, is usable and effective. I wanted to thank the friend Eduardo Mejia who let me use his amazing ‘Amanecer’ wallpaper for this theme. You really should visit his wonderful deviantArt page at, you will certainly love his artworks! Thanks also to Danilo ‘TheMirror’ Romelli for translating the GDM tags documentation! The first version of Acemone with userlist is out! Changelog: 0.55: Acemone have reached 500 downloads! It's also time to release the 0.55 version! Changelog: new button set, more detailed and artistic with a different position. Also code is slightly different to fit different screen resolutions: if you experience some trouble this this theme, please, report the bug ;) Comments, ratings, fans are welcome (a motivated worker is a better worker :) )! 0.60: Some minor changes for this new version: different color for username/password label to improve readability, fully commented xml to make editing easier, edited copyright infos in the greeter file. Compatibility up to 1680x1050 resolution is tested and Acemone works without problems. A new version of 0.60 is out from 04/09 to fix some comment tags. 0.69 - with UserList: After days of coding and many tests, the first Acemone with Userlist alpha is out. Works perfectly on 1280x800, tests with higher and lower resolutions will be done soon. The disposition of items in the theme is very different from standard Acemone, prettier as much as I can do. Advices in this sense are more than welcome, please report bug and problems and I will fix them as soon as possible. 05/06/2009: This is not an update but a communication. Acemone with userlist is now tested and certified for working at all standard resolutions. Thanks to all for over 10,000 downloads! Starting a new iconset for the theme ;) License: GPL (Acemone 0.50) (Acemone 0.55) (Acemone 0.60) (Acemone 0.69 with UserList)

Ubuntu Jaunty GDM Fix

Ubuntu Jaunty GDM Fix 1.0 GDM Theme llimaa llimaa - llimaa llimaa last visit May 3 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Ubuntu Jaunty GDM Fix zoom Depends on: GNOME 2.x Downloads: 244 Submitted: May 3 2009 Updated: May 3 2009 Score: score61a%score 61% good bad good Description: Just find the new Jaunty GDM Theme ugly and created a new one using the original Jaunty Wallpaper. Changelog: 1.0 License: Creative Commons Legal Code Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5


Colonne 1.0 GDM Theme cosscara cosscara - Cosma Scaramella Italy last visit May 14 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Colonne zoom Depends on: GNOME 2.x Downloads: 237 Submitted: May 7 2009 Score: score53S%score 53% good bad good Description: GDM theme based on Summer07 by Iceman00. The background image was taken by Angela Travaglini in the cloister of Pienza, the papal city in Tuscany - Italy. It was mirrored with Gimp. License: GPL Ubuntu (Colonne)

Ubuntu Jaunty Glass

Ubuntu Jaunty Glass 1.0.0 GDM Theme cmost cmost PCWorks, Inc. - Chris ChrisM PCWorks, Inc. United States of America last visit May 14 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Ubuntu Jaunty Glass zoom Depends on: GNOME 2.x Downloads: 713 Submitted: May 3 2009 Updated: May 5 2009 Score: score58X%score 58% good bad good Description: Gorgeous Gnome GDM logon theme for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackelope, created in the style of 'Saru Saslu's' artwork, submitted during the Ubuntu 9.04 development cycle. This GDM theme matches those wallpaper images perfectly. Looks great on any recent Ubuntu version. Get the matching wallpaper images here: (see here: To install the GDM theme, save the tarball somewhere in your home directory. Open System Menu and navigate to Administration --> Login Window. Click the tab for 'Local' then click the 'add' button. Navigate to where you saved the tarball. Click the little circle radio button adjacent to the theme's screenshot. Enjoy! Changelog: 1.0.1 Added lovely drop shadow to user entry area. 1.0.0 Created Ubuntu-Jaunty Glass theme License: GPL (Ubuntu Jaunty Glass)

Jupiter GDM

Jupiter GDM Version 1.0 GDM Theme Bahaika Bahaika - Bahaika Haeroy last visit May 8 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Jupiter GDM zoom Depends on: GNOME 2.x Downloads: 241 Submitted: May 8 2009 Score: score57W%score 57% good bad good Description: Jupiter planet for GDM Based on the works of : perfectska04, Daniel Fore ( GDM-Walls?content=88305) Changelog: No License: The sames licences than GDM-Walls?content=88305

Red Sun

Description: This is my first GDM Theme. I used the "Space List" theme, which I can't find anymore, as a base to create it. I'm pretty sure it was released under GPL. I've named this theme Red Sun. Theme has been tested on 1280x768 resolution. Not sure if it works on anything else. Let me know! Update: I've added distro branding to the mix. Ubuntu is the default and I'll make more on request. All distros included are: Arch Linux Debian Fedora Kubuntu Mandriva Linux Mint Suse Ubuntu Xubuntu

A hiking in the forest

A hiking in the forest List up to 1.44 GDM Theme PKO PKO - kamehameha _ last visit May 11 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - A hiking in the forest zoom A hiking in the forest zoom A hiking in the forest zoom Downloads: 1181 Submitted: Apr 28 2009 Updated: May 8 2009 Score: score70p%score 70% good bad good Description: A Gdm Hiking in a forest Welcome Theme. Its Graphical greeter built for Ubuntu Jaunty works with all Linux distributions Gdm users. Changelog: to 1.41 Background Login Panel Buttons more dynamic colors to 1.44 the users list buttons

GDM angel

GDM angel GDM Theme ADES21 ADES21 - ADES ADES last visit May 12 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - GDM angel zoom Downloads: 216 Submitted: May 10 2009 Score: score57W%score 57% good bad good Description: GDM angel theme License: Artistic 2.0 (GDM angel)

Ubuntu 9.04 GDM with User List

Ubuntu 9.04 GDM with User List 1.0 GDM Theme technoshaun technoshaun GnoMenu - Documentatio n Manager - Shaun Marolf GnoMenu - Documentation Manager United States of America, Crosby, TX last visit May 13 2009 5 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Ubuntu 9.04 GDM with User List zoom Downloads: 400 Submitted: May 10 2009 Score: score50P%score 50% good bad good Description: This theme uses the same background as the Human GDM theme for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. However it has a users list. License: GPL send to a friend subscription other artwork from technoshaun * slashdot it slashdot it * digg it digg it *


Shiki-Colors 3.9.1 GTK 2.x Theme/Style perfectska04 perfectska04 Home - Victor C United States of America, Miami last visit May 15 2009 8 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Shiki-Colors zoom Shiki-Colors zoom Shiki-Colors zoom Downloads: 188058 Submitted: Aug 7 2008 Updated: Apr 11 2009 Score: score73s%score 73% good bad good Description: Shiki-Colors mixes the elegance of a dark theme with the usability of a light theme, resulting in a hybrid theme. Shiki is designed to be fast and stable. There is a Clearlooks version for out-of-the-box compatibility with most distros and a Murrine version for eyecandy and speed. There are five color variations (Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Red). A matching set of Icons, Wallpapers and GDM themes can also be downloaded separately from gnome-look or at the gnome-colors project page. You can edit the theme's source (the gtkrc files) for further customization, which is all too easy due to the included instructions. Must read or clowns will eat you: -The Murrine version will only work with Murrine 0.90.3 or newer. Yes, you will need to upgrade unless you're using Ubuntu Jaunty. -The borders are very thin, and titlebars/menubars are unified because of "LOL, ELEGANCE". If you have any difficulty resizing windows, try the included alternate metacity with thicker borders. -The following tweaks are recommended when using the included Metacities (press ALT F2 and then input each command): gconftool-2 --type float --set /apps/gwd/metacity_theme_opacity 1 gconftool-2 --type float --set /apps/compiz/plugins/decoration/allscreens/options/shadow_opacity 0.85 gconftool-2 --type float --set /apps/compiz/plugins/decoration/allscreens/options/shadow_radius 12 -In Ubuntu, for themes (installed through appearance preferences) to be able to theme applications in admin mode, you must type in a terminal: sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root && sudo ln -s ~/.icons /root -In Ubuntu, you can use the official PPA repository for easy installation. -To fix minor Firefox 3 bugs in Shiki-Colors, install the Stylish add-on and go here (or install the included userChrome.css file following the instructions in README): -You can also get the Shiki-Colors userstyle for google reader if you go here: -Visit the GNOME-Colors project page for bug reports, feature requests and more downloads: -Consider donating a small amount to the GNOME-Colors project if you wish to support it, or to show your appreciation. You can do so by clicking on the "donate" button next to the download section. Changelog: 3.8 -Very minor fixes. -Added userChrome.css (with instructions in README), for people who want to apply the Firefox 3 fixes without the stylish add-on. 3.9.1 -Updated userChrome.css file to newest version. -Minor change to default metacity and xfwm. -Fixed a tooltip text issue with brasero and beagle. -Added theming to ComputerTemp applet. 04/26/09: -Google Reader theme has been added. Link is in the description section. License: GPL (Shiki-Colors (Clearlooks) (Shiki-Colors (MurrineSVN) (GNOME-Colors Icons (Highly Recommended) (Arc-Colors GDM-Wallpapers (Recommended) Ubuntu (Official PPA Repository)


Haneema_Yellow_v0.2 V_0.2 fresh GDM Theme helionprim helionprim - Hélion Prim last visit May 15 2009 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Haneema_Yellow_v0.2 zoom Depends on: GTK 2.x Downloads: 66 Submitted: May 16 2009 Score: score43C%score 43% good bad good License: GPL Ubuntu (Haneema_Yellow_v0.2) send to a friend subscription other artwork from helionprim * slashdot it slashdot it * digg it digg it * add commentback

Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

Description: This is a set of GDM's/Wallpapers made to match my GTK themes "Shiki-Colors" and my icon themes "GNOME-Colors". There are 5 versions included: (Brave/Blue, Human/Orange, Wine/Red, Noble/Purple and Wise/Green) The GDM themes have a max resolution of 1920x1200 and support all 16:10, 5:4 and 4:3 screen ratios below that. 16:9 screen ratios will show black bars to the sides of the screen, but you can fix this by cropping/scaling any GDM's background file to your display's native resolution. Must read, or clowns will eat you: -To install GDM's, extract .tar.gz file, and drag n' drop desired themes to the login preferences window. -In the "General" tab of login window preferences, select a Shiki-Colors GTK theme's gtkrc file (usually in ~/.themes/Shiki-*/gtk-2.0/ or /usr/share/themes/Shiki-*gtk-2.0/) for more consistency. -To use the included wallpapers, save them wherever you like and add them through GNOME's appearance preferences. -You can replace the logo.png file with a logo of your choice (Must be 16x16px size). -If you replace the "bg.png" file, you can use any wallpaper you want! (in fact, I recommend it if you don't like the included backgrounds, or want the gdm's to feature your favorite wallpaper) for example: -In Ubuntu, you can use the official PPA repository for easy installation. -Visit the GNOME-Colors project page for bug reports, feature requests and more downloads: -Consider donating a small amount to the GNOME-Colors project if you wish to support it, or to show your appreciation. You can do so by clicking on the "donate" button next to the download section. Changelog: Version 1.5.1: -Add new scaling properties to the GDM's. Backgrounds now scale perfectly for any 16:10, 5:4 or 4:3 screen ratios. -Removed Non-Wide versions, as it is unnecessary due to the changes above. Version 1.6: -Created brand new UserList version due to the massive amount of requests, and to make up for making everyone wait so long for them ¯ロ¯ (Third screenshot is the UL preview) -Include gtkrc's for all themes for best integration with Shiki-Colors and GNOME-Colors (May need some further testing on older GNOME releases). License: GPL (GDM's and Wallpapers (6 MB) (UserList Version (6 MB) (Shiki-Colors GTK Themes) (GNOME-Colors Icons) Ubuntu (Official PPA Repository)


Homepage: Link Depends on: GTK 2.x Downloads: 1987 Submitted: May 5 2009 Updated: May 16 2009 Score: score68h%score 68% good bad good Description: Update With version 0.4 Wasp package contain a new theme named Wasp-Alt. In this theme i put all configurations that i don't like but most people wants, or configurations that make less troubles and are more compatible. For now, Wasp-Alt differ only for scrollbars. --- This is the Wasp theme, please read respective file in package for howtos, notes, credits and all the rest. Package include GTK theme, Metacity theme and a script for apps. Wasp depend on Murrine >= 0.90.3 Firefox For Firefox please install Stylish add-on first: then use my style: You can run "" script inside "Scripts/Wasp" directory to use modified Wasp theme for all OOo apps. Please, before update any OOo packages, run the script again, to restore default settings. After you have updated, you can re-run the script. Wasp meet Launchpad You can now follow the development, ask questions and report bugs for Wasp, on --- Feedback are wellcome Changelog: 0.4 -Added new theme, Wasp-Alt -Added gnome-volume-control.rc -Minor fixes to OOo style -Minor fixes to menu 0.3 - As promised, you have new scrollbar :) - Optimized check/radio buttons 0.2 - Changed shadow around buttons - Added specific settings for GMPC - Modified Nautilus tab - Minor fixes - Changed 3rd screenshot to show some change 0.1 - initial release License: BSD License (revised) Metacity buttons are licensed under GPL by Victor C. "perfectska04" (Wasp theme) Source (Wasp theme on Launchpad)