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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags debian & desktop

May 2010


live/ devel/ Edit | RecentChanges | History | Preferences | ?Discussion | live-manual About This is the documentation for Debian Live project. It provides a broad overview of the tools and philosophy of Debian Live, as well as providing details on how live systems may be built and customised by end users and developers.

Debian Live Project

Debian Live Project Live Debian systems! Live Manual This manual is under heavy construction. Please report errors, omissions, patches and suggestions to our mailinglist at [email protected] and read about how to contribute to the manual.

April 2009

How to install Scribus on Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux Distributions |

How to install Scribus on Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux Distributions Wed, 05/21/2008 - 00:25 — malex Introduction This document is about using Scribus Team repositories to obtain up-to-date Scribus packages for Debian GNU/Linux (unstable/testing/stable also known as sid/squeeze/lenny) and on Ubuntu (Intrepid/Hardy/Gutsy). We have two identical repositories ( and that provide bandwidth redundancy and failover capabilithary, so you can use either one or both of them. Instructions are the same whether you run a 32-bit or a 64-bit distribution.

March 2009

Debian Lenny Based SimplyMEPIS 8.0 is Released | MEPIS

Debian Lenny Based SimplyMEPIS 8.0 is Released warren's picture Submitted by warren on Sun, 02/22/2009 - 18:09. Press Releases Morgantown, WV, Feb 22, 2009 -- MEPIS LLC has released SimplyMEPIS 8.0, the community edition of MEPIS 8.0. The ISO files for 32 and 64 bit processors are SimplyMEPIS-CD_8.0.00-rel_32.iso and SimplyMEPIS-CD_8.0.00-rel_64.iso. SimplyMEPIS 8.0 utilizes a Debian Lenny stable foundation enhanced with a Long Term Support kernel, key package upgrades, and the MEPIS Assistant applications to create an up-to-date, ready to use desktop computer system. Warren Woodford of MEPIS explained "Debian, which is renowned for it's stability and live cycle support, released Lenny a week ago as the latest version of Debian. By building on this excellent upstream base, we expect MEPIS 8.0 to enjoy a long life as a personal and business desktop system."

August 2008

February 2008

September 2007

Gobuntu, mais uma opção Ubuntu! « Tecnologia, Windows e Linux.

O Gobuntu é um novo sabor do Ubuntu (como o Kubuntu ou o Xubuntu) que é basicamente o mesmo ambiente desktop do Ubuntu mas com restrições muito mais rígidas quanto ao licenciamento dos componentes de tudo que é incluído nele, removendo até mesmo itens que seriam permitidos pelas Debian Free Software Guidelines, além de aplicativos, drivers, firmware, PDFs, vídeos, sons, etc. que não possam ser considerados plenamente livres. É uma nova referência para aqueles que querem dar um passo além na sua adoção da liberdade de software.

June 2007