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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "network manager" & linux

18 June 2007 05:15

Tools/NetworkManager - Fedora Project Wiki

Enabling NetworkManager on Fedora 6 The installation process for Fedora Core 6 automatically provides NetworkManager. To enable it, enter the following commands in a terminal window: 1. Set the main service to automatically start on boot: su -c '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 NetworkManager on' 2. Set the dispatcher service to automatically start on boot: su -c '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 NetworkManagerDispatcher on' 3. Start the services: su -c '/sbin/service NetworkManager start ; /sbin/service NetworkManagerDispatcher start' For each su command, enter the root password at the prompt. The NetworkManager tray icon automatically appears on your desktop once the services are started. If the NetworkManager service is active, then the tray icon appears each time that you log in to your desktop. NetworkManager also stores any W.A.P key in the gnome-keyring manager. If after login, your prompted to enter the keyring password so that NetworkManager can access the key, then keep reading. This can become a daunting task everytime youlogin to enter the keyring password. If your login password & the keyring password are the same, then there is a tool built to open the keyring for you on login.the package is called pam_keyring. This is available in extras. To configure your system first install pam_keyring with yum

18 June 2007 05:00

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