public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag webmasters




Scratch Download Form

Download Scratch The Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab is happy to make Scratch available as a free download. It is currently available for Mac OSX and Windows, with a Linux version coming soon (see system requirements).

Little Wizard's Home Page

Little Wizard is a development environment for children. It is intended to be used by primary school children to learn about the main elements of real computer languages. Using only the mouse, children can explore programming concepts such as variables, expressions, loops, conditions, and logical blocks. Every element of the language is represented by an intuitive icon, making it easy to learn. Little Wizard works under Linux and Windows 2000/XP.

A Byte of Python

A Byte of Python Swaroop C H

Python Bibliotheca

Python Books The links below are to freely available books using Python to teach beginning programming: * How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python by Allen B. Downey, Jeffrey Elkner, and Chris Meyers * A Byte of Python by Swaroop C H

business cards homepage

PagePlus SE Design Templates - Business Cards Design Pack

scratch mit howto

Getting Started A step-by-step guide to getting started with Scratch. FAQ Look for answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Video tutorials Mini-movies showing what you can do with Scratch. Reference guide Overview of the Scratch interface and programming language. Scratch cards Print out cards with new Scratch tricks. Help screens Find out how to use each block. Scratch Board Connect real-world sensors to your Scratch projects

scratch mit

by 9 others
Make a project that contains food, and add it to the Scratch Club gallery.