DRM: Cutting Off Your Prose to Spite Your Face
obfuscated content : it's probably art
Exalead new look
by 36 othersInterface à mi-chemin entre Google et Netvibes+screenshots. A quand une dispostion "à la Exposé" pour Blogmarks ?
Mouche rejoint Yahoo!
by 2 others (via)Encore un transfert à sensation ;-) d'un(e) blogueur(se) vers une BigCo. Zawodny : on attend ton annonce...
Jason is loosing his temper with Technorati
by 3 othersTechnorati has the brand, the nice people, the cool formats... But where have they put reliability ?
Zawodny spoke
(via)The rumours about Yahoo working on a Technorati killer, are true. // Et Google ?
Nick Bradbury: Microsoft, RSS and Attention
A feed store build into Longhorn ? That's kind of logic to personalize search, and a bit scary too, because it's MS.
Leaky Tap - Internet.CustomKeywords
Custom Keywords create shortcuts to URLs that you type on the Location bar of your Mozilla or Firefox browser window.
Lazy Web indeed.
LaughingMeme: WordPress, Tagging, and a Critique of Hierarchy
by 1 otherGMail, del.icio.us, Flickr... In 2004 Web Apps prefer tags to folders. Try with WordPress.
(11 marks)