Tantek's : Four year blogiversary
Since then, it seems none of the W3C working drafts that I mentioned have made it to Recommendation status which is a bit unexpected to say the least. // don't be so disappointed : you could have worked for the HTML WG.
Hixie's Natural Log: SVG Tiny 1.2 in Candidate Wreckommendation stage
"I'll let you draw your own conclusions." => The SVG group need holidays ? (sorry, I'm french)
Rebranding the W3C
Soft evolution for an almost venerable logo.
On Extending HTML : Hixie's response to Dave H.
You simply can't. Come on and let's discuss on WHAT-WG. * Ha ça ils ne passeront pas leurs vacances ensemble mon p'tit Jean-Mimi.
On implementing SVG : Matt May's response to Dave H.
by 1 otherYou know that a KSVG engine exists, don't you ?
On Extending HTML
Dave Hyatt's purposes : 1- learn the real-world standards * 2 - SVG sucks * 3 - XHTML support is worse than HTML * Cough cough cough
The non-world non-wide non-web
When a W3C employee affirms *JavaScript is the worst invention ever*, don't expect Brendan Eich to say cool things about the Consortium.
Atom and Cool URIs: dogma, idealism, expediency
Tim is right. Mark is wrong. But in real world, cool URIs don't rule the Web. So Mark is right. *Argh c'est pas cool ça*
W3C jumps in the Atom train
by 1 otherThis Atom thing is mature now. I think they can present it to the UN. Take a chance.
Dave Winer : I am a former member of the W3C advisory board.
lapse of the week, hmmm ? Sorry i can't wait until 10:00PM PST :-)
(10 marks)