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jeKai Home Page

a group of volunteers throughout the world began creating an open, free, online Japanese-English dictionary. The form and content of the dictionary are decided by the participants in the project. Among its features are the following: * Definitions that explain the meaning of words as completely as possible * As many examples as possible of each word in real contexts * Photographs and other illustrations, especially for entries about uniquely Japanese things * No restrictions on the type or range of vocabulary * No restrictions on the length of entries The dictionary has been named jeKai (je海), pronounced "jay-kai" or ジェーカイ.

EUdict | European dictionary

English-Croatian, Croatian-English, Enlish-Japanese (Kanji), Japanese (Kanji)-English, English-Chinese, Chinese-English, German-English, Japanese-English, English-Japanese, English-Polish, Polish-English, French-English, English-Spanish, English-German, Spanish-English, English-Swedish, Swedish-English, English-Indonesian, Indonesian-English, English-French, German-Spanish, Spanish-German, Japanese-French, French-Japanese, English-Italian, French-Croatian, Croatian-French, Spanish-Croatian, Italian-English, Croatian-Spanish, German-Italian, Italian-German, Croatian-Slovenian, Croatian-Czech, Hungarian-Croatian, Croatian-Hungarian, Czech-Croatian, Slovenian-Croatian, Dutch-Croatian, Italian-Croatian, German-Croatian, Croatian-German, English-Latin, Croatian-Dutch, Croatian-Italian, English-Norwegian, Norwegian-English, Latin-Croatian, Latin-English, Croatian-Latin English-Finnish and Finnish-English. Some of the words may be incorrectly translated or mistyped but no one is perfect.

Dictionnaire multilingue Papillon Multilingual Dictionary パピヨン多言語電子辞典

Ce projet a pour but de créer une base lexicale multilingue comprenant entre autres l’allemand, l’anglais, le français, le japonais, le malais, le lao, le thaï, le vietnamien et le chinois. L’accès est gratuit pourvu que l’usage ne soit pas commercial (licence de logiciel libre). Notre projet, initié par des chercheurs en linguistique informatique, se veut utile et ouvert à la collaboration de toutes les personnes ayant un intérêt pour ces langues.



Dictionnaire de japonais - 日仏辞典

by 4 others est un dictionnaire de japonais collaboratif. Chaque internaute a l'opportunité d'ajouter un mot à notre base de données (via la rubrique Ajouter ), et contribuer à l'enrichissement du site.



by 1 other
ASCII24 - アスキー デジタル用語辞典

Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary - Gateway

Welcome to Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server. This is merely the gateway to the main dictionary page.

Jim Breen's WWWJDIC

by 2 others
The best online japanese dictionary


by 6 others
Weblio&#12399;&#12289;&#22269;&#20869;&#12398;&#20027;&#35201;&#12394;&#12458;&#12531;&#12521;&#12452;&#12531;&#36766;&#26360;&#12539;&#20107;&#20856;&#12434;&#38598;&#32004;&#30340;&#12395;&#34920;&#31034;&#12377;&#12427;&#12289;&#22269;&#20869;&#26368;&#22823;&#35215;&#27169;&#12398;&#12458;&#12531;&#12521;&#12452;&#12531;&#30334;&#31185;&#20107;&#20856;&#12391;&#12377;&#12290; Online Japanese lookup and search