public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from yoshigi

October 2006 HOME

RSS Sticker,有關日本blog plugin的一些收集網站。

September 2006

カイカイキキ : アート作品制作・マネジメント : Kaikai Kiki Co.,Ltd.

by 1 other

August 2006

Googlist: 18 Ways for Blogger to Beef Up - Google's products and practices


CSS Optimization: Make Your Sites Load Faster for Free by Blogging Pro

by 9 others (via)
While a lot of people are out to optimize their sites/blogs, most everyone seems to skip over CSS. I have been spending some time looking at CSS Optimization tools today. I wanted something free, online, and easy to use. And of course, something that worked. There are actually quite a few websites that fit the bill, and some of them are easier to use, produce more friendly code, and others are a bit harder to use, but can produce amazing results. I tested the CSS Optimizer, Icey’s CSS Compressor, Flumpcakes CSS Optimiser, and CleanCSS to see which one could compress some default CSS files from popular websites the best.

Library Views 圖書館觀點 :: Web 3.0 :: August :: 2006

Web 3.0。雖然分析的角度不盡相同,但有些看法仍值得參考與學習。 Yehuda Berlinger 從人們上網的經驗或者是社會知覺 (social perception) 的角度來分析/定義 Web 1.0 及 Web 2.0,並依循此一軌跡來定義 Web 3.0:

July 2006

Guidelines for Interactive Elements in Thesis Projects.

Guidelines for Interactive Elements in Thesis Projects.


by 2 others
設計師是世界上最多餘的職業。  如果要比誰先發現這個現象,我應該排不上前20萬名。但要比誰先不要臉地在媒體上公然揭露(如果這也算的話),我應該還在前100位。倒數第二排那位先生請不要丟雞蛋好嗎,這樣很不禮貌。    我原本考慮在「設計師是世界上最多餘的職業」這句的最後加上「(之一)」,但感覺加了括弧就失去了力量,也不夠爭議性。整個遜掉。我當然知道還有很多即使消失了也無所謂的行業,但套句失意設計師最常掛在嘴邊的話:「請尊重我的創作意圖!」因此,請不要拿這點跟我爭論,我也不會想理你。  所以,重申一次,「設計師是世界上最多餘的職業」。

Functioning Form - SxSW: OSX and Longhorn Development

The SxSW2006 Behind the Scenes: Developing OS X and Longhorn panel explored the differences between Apple and Microsoft’s new operating system development process from a design perspective. Both of the panelists lead the design of each operating system and are now at Frog Design.

June 2006

CSS & Design Tools » VAGUE DREAM

by 4 others
Em Calculator estimates Em size equivalent to px size. Could become useful since more standardistas are adpoting use of Em sizing (vs. px sizing) to define the max width of their layout, a technique which I intend to investigate more thoroughly.

Yahoo!ニュース - +D LifeStyle - 「NANA」をイメージした特別な「gigabeat」

東芝は6月6日、人気漫画「NANA」(集英社刊)のキャラクターをモチーフにしたデジタルオーディオプレーヤー「gigabeat P5S gb♥NANA」4モデルを発表した。「gigabeat Pシリーズ」のプレミアムモデルとして、7月7日から順次発売する。

2006 FIFAワールドカップ ドイツ|SKY PerfecTV!

2006 FIFAワールドカップ ドイツ|SKY PerfecTV!

May 2006