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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flickr & web




Thousand of APIs Paint a Bright Future for the Web | Webmonkey |

by oseres
Once a novel idea that seemed limited to Flickr, the web-based API is now everywhere you turn — Twitter, Foursquare, Google Maps and thousands of other sites offer up their data in the form of an API. APIs mean that third-party developers can build their own tools and mashups, which in turn helps to fuel the popularity of the web service. It’s hard to imagine where sites like Flickr and Twitter would be today without APIs. In fact, these days some web services don’t even bother launching websites to go with their APIs — the API is the service. The SimpleGeo API, for example, doesn’t really have a corresponding website, it’s just an API that can be used anywhere, including inside mobile apps.



datatainment : play data ! play !

by CharlesNepote

datatainment, is a portmanteau word combining “data” and (enter) “tainment” which refers to a new way of representing digital data related to the activities of individuals within the information world.

Flickr : Lessons Learned while Building an iPhone Site

by nhoizey
There seems to be a new set of frontend rules for developing high-end mobile sites. A lot of the current best practices get thrown out the window in the quest for minimum page weight and fastest load times over slow cellular connections.

YouTube - DjangoCon 2008 Keynote: Cal Henderson

by nhoizey
Cal Henderson, fondateur de Flickr, présente ses techniques d'optimisation de plateforme


by nhoizey & 5 others
oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites. The simple API allows a website to display embedded content (such as photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resourc

Comment bien gérer la montée en charge d’une application web ?

by kasi77 & 2 others
Certaines personnes pensent qu’il ne faut pas trop se focaliser sur les problèmes de montée en charge lorsqu’on démarre le développement d’un nouveau service Internet. A quelques exceptions près (comme par exemple un site de partage de vidéos), il n’est peut-être pas en effet très judicieux de perdre du temps sur cet aspect très technique sans savoir si le succès sera au rendez-vous : on parle alors d’optimisation prématurée.


SiteVolume : Home

by irols
Pour comparer l'audience d'un mot ou d'une phrase sur youtube, myspace, flickr,...

Polaroid Gallery v.1.01

by jpcaruana & 15 others (via)
Polaroid Gallery is a free, opensource flash gallery developed by myself, Christopher Einarsrud, in the year of 2006. I was originally going to use this for my online portfolio, but I ended up going for something completely different. I thought that it might come in handy for someone else, so I decided to release it here. After all, I did put some work into it and it would be a pity to see it all go to waste..

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