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PUBLIC MARKS with tags rdfa & foaf

May 2009

Getting started with RDFa: Creating a basic FOAF profile

by philippej & 1 other (via)
"Now that the RDFa syntax is a full standard, and organisations like Yahoo! and Google are starting to index the data (see Google announces support for RDFa and Yahoo! into semantic web), it's worth putting more of your own data into your web-pages, by way of RDFa. A simple place to start is to modify your home-page or blog profile so that it includes FOAF information."

March 2009

Bill de hÓra: Snowflake APIs

by greut (via)

RDF is worth learning for a different reason — the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That experience will make you a better format and data API designer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use RDF itself a lot. (You can get some beginning experience with RDF fairly easily by writing and modifying simple files like FOAF and DOAP for social networks and software projects, or RDFa extensions for XHTML.)

November 2008

March 2008

XForms and Internet Applications: First steps in RDFa: Creating a FOAF profile

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Now that the RDFa syntax document is in last call, and people like Yahoo! are starting to index the data, it's worth putting more of your own data into your web-pages, using RDFa. A simple place to start is to modify your home-page or blog profile so that it includes FOAF information.

June 2007

Amusons nous avec RDFa... et Operator |

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Un script capable d'ouvrir le fichier FOAF d'une personne via Foaf Explorer. Le script fonctionne sous 2 conditions : l'entité décrite est du type foaf:Person et elle est définie par une URI externe (précisée par la propriété rdfs:idDefinedBy).

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last mark : 09/03/2008 22:11

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 03/03/2008 14:21