May 2006
April 2006
by ycc2106The First Pixel Search Engine Is Here. And Everything Changes. For The Better. Now you can become part of it The landscape of web shopping is changing dramatically. And pixel advertising is why.
Swoogle Semantic Web Search Engine
by ycc2106 & 11 othersSwoogle is designed to serve the research activities in Semantic Web community, especially the following:
to study the growth and evolution of the semantic web by efficiently querying a comprehensive database of SWD metadata - to collect, index and search the definition and usage of Semantic Web Terms (SWTs) (i.e. Classes and Properties) as well corresponding Semantic Web Ontologies (SWOs) - to enable "distributed" knowledge sharing by making knowledge visible and easy to access - to support semantic web tools such as MindSwap Lab's SWOOP ontology editor in finding relevant ontologies, KSL's Inference Web infrastructure in finding distributed proofs.
March 2006
Bit9 FileAdvisor - FileName, MD5, SHA-1 Search
by ycc2106 & 2 othersfree service provided by Bit9, Inc. that enables you to identify unknown files quickly by searching an index of known commercial applications (malware is currently not indexed). Enter an MD-5 hash, SHA-1 hash, or file name, and FileAdvisor returns information about the origin of the file.
August 2005
June 2005
April 2005
March 2005
December 2004
November 2004
August 2004
July 2004
bitoogle :: the bit torrent file search engine (bittorrent)
by gweb & 10 others[EN] the torrent file search engine. (bittorrent, bit torrent)
(24 marks)