December 2005
Ultimate Tag Warrior: Start Here
by cascamorto & 6 othersUltimate Tag Warrior (UTW) is a tagging plugin for wordpress. It allows storing a set of keywords (or as current slang dictates, tags) against posts that behave like categories - the tags can be displayed on a post, you can go to the archive page for a tag, and there are RSS/atom feeds available. Unlike categories, you can also view archive pages and feeds for sets of tags such as the posts which are tagged with both “photograph” and “food”, for example.
Squible K2
by cascamortoVoir notamment les liens sur la droite :
* A Tag System Based on Categories
* Sara's Corner
* Squible Alpha 1.5
* Squible Alpha 1.7
* Squible and Ajax
et le lien :
A Tag System Based on Categories
by cascamortoI have managed to put together a complete tag system built on top of Wordpress categories. Using both plugins of my own and plugins written by others, I was able to build a system that can show all tags, show popular tags, show tags for each post, show related tags for each post, build Technorati tags, and easily add tags to a post via the administration interface.
November 2005
SWiK: Tag: ~Alex Bosworth, designer of SWiK.
by Tool-Services info+
October 2005 - Favlets are small snippets of JavaScript embedded in a Bookmark URL that extend the capabilities of your web browser.
by macroronBookmarklets are free tools to help with repetitive or otherwise impossible tasks in your web browser. To use a bookmarklet from this site on another web page:
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