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February 2008

Munin, une alternative simple à Cacti?

by lecyborg & 1 other
Cela fait près d’un an et demi que j’utilise le logiciel Cacti pour monitorer l’activité réseau. Aussi bien dans le cadre de mon activité professionnelle que pour mon usage personnel. Mais j’ai récement découvert une alternative sérieuse : Munin. Celui-ci présente de nombreux avantages par rapport à Cacti et mérite d’être plus connue.


by lecyborg & 6 others
Munin the monitoring tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw. It presents all the information in graphs through a web interface. Its emphasis is on plug and play capabilities. After completing a installation a high number of monitoring plugins will be playing with no more effort. Using Munin you can easily monitor the performance of your computers, networks, SANs, applications, weather measurements and whatever comes to mind. It makes it easy to determine "what's different today" when a performance problem crops up. It makes it easy to see how you're doing capacity-wise on any resources.

WebDav Autoversioning

by lecyborg
A while back I stumbled upon a lesser known feature of SVN and WebDav, but didn’t have the time to blog about it until now. WebDAV and SVN is an exceedingly useful tool as we all know, and pretty damn easy to setup, see here. But what if you could have everything entered into the WebDav repository automatically versioned into a repository. Well you can! And the good news is, it’s really really easy.

January 2008

ctail project page

by lecyborg
ctail is like running tail -f, but can be used on multiple files. It uses the Curses library to split the screen into as many windows as there are files to watch. The size of each file's window can optionally be specified on the command line. Regular expressions can be used to display only lines matching (or not matching) arbitrary criteria. Each file's window has a status bar, showing the file name, date and time of last change and current file size.

Make SSH connections with PHP

by lecyborg & 3 others
Not everyone knows about PHP's capabilities of making SSH connections and executing remote commands, but it can be very useful. I've been using it a lot in PHP CLI applications that I run from cronjobs, but initially it was a pain to get it to work. The PHP manual on Secure Shell2 Functions is not very practice or thorough for that matter, so I would like to share my knowledge in this how to, to make it a little less time consuming setting this up. In this article I'm going to assume that: * You're running Debian / Ubuntu If not, you will have to substitute the package manager aptitude with whatever your distribution provides * You're running PHP 5 If not, just replace php5 with php4 everywhere * You have basic knowledge of PHP & server administration * You already have PHP installed

December 2007

PHP Login script

by lecyborg & 2 others
If you're looking for a serious script to manage your users then you're at the right place. Built with security in mind and packed with dozens of features, our PHP login script is the right solution for every webmaster looking to take his website to the next level. Trust us, we've stayed (and we still do for early versions) open-source long enough to learn what people really need.

November 2007

SSH Port Forwarding

by lecyborg
SSH also has a wonderful feature called SSH Port Forwarding, sometimes called SSH Tunneling, which allows you to establish a secure SSH session and then tunnel arbitrary TCP connections through it. Tunnels can be created at any time, with almost no effort and no programming, which makes them very appealing. In this article we look at SSH Port Forwarding in detail, as it is a very useful but often misunderstood technology. SSH Port Forwarding can be used for secure communications in a myriad of different ways. Let's start with an example.


by lecyborg & 1 other
trickle is a portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper. It can run in collaborative mode (together with trickled) or in stand alone mode. trickle works by taking advantage of the unix loader preloading. Essentially it provides, to the application, a new version of the functionality that is required to send and receive data through sockets. It then limits traffic based on delaying the sending and receiving of data over a socket. trickle runs entirely in userspace and does not require root privileges.

HOWTO improving your internet connection using wondershaper - Ubuntu Forums

by lecyborg
wondershaper is an easy to use traffic shaping script that provides these improvements: * Low latency for interactive traffic (and pings) at all times * Allow websurfing at reasonable speeds while uploading / downloading * Make sure uploads don't hurt downloads * Make sure downloads don't hurt uploads

Firewall Builder

by lecyborg
Firewall Builder is multi-platform firewall configuration and management tool. It consists of a GUI and set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. Firewall Builder uses object-oriented approach, it helps administrator maintain a database of network objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations. Firewall Builder currently supports iptables, ipfilter, OpenBSD PF and Cisco PIX. Technical summary of features supported by the policy compilers for all platforms can be found in the section "Modules" (see menu on the left). Being truly vendor-neutral, Firewall Builder can generate configuration file for any supported target firewall platform from the same policy created in its GUI. This provides for both consistent policy management solution for heterogeneous environments and possible migration path.

July 2007

MySecureShell SFTP-Server

by lecyborg & 1 other
Vous recherchez un serveur ftp très sécurisé, facile à installer, à administrer et à configurer ? Alors MySecureShell est fait pour vous ! De plus, il est entièrement GRATUIT ! MySecureShell est basé sur OpenSSH ! Vous avez donc toute la sécurité très poussée de celui-ci PLUS des fonctionnalités complémentaires et très puissantes qu'offre notre logiciel ! Voici un aperçu des possibilitées de MySecureShell : - Contrôle de la bande passante. - Sécurisation de l'affichage des droits. - Administration du serveur en interface graphique. - Gestion de l'activité du serveur grâce aux logs. - Contrôle des utilisateurs par ip, groupes... Nous n'avons pas tout énuméré, mais pour plus d'information vous pouvez visiter la section Descriptif.


by lecyborg & 13 others
Un web desktop très joli qui semble très bien

Debian Administration Utilities

by lecyborg
These are the utilities i have collected and each utility is having man page which gives you more information about each utility.

Shell Commander

by lecyborg
Shell Commander is a PHP script, that allows remote execution of shell commands (like SSH client) through a web browser.

June 2007

Chat en Ajax

by lecyborg & 2 others
Ajax Chat Engine ACE est un moteur un Chat qui permet de communiquer via votre navigateur, sans aucun applet JAVA. Ajax Chat Engine est divisé en deux parties : * ACE Server Totalement indépendant, le server simule un server HTTP et forge ses informations telles que la technologie AJAX peut les interpreter. Developpé en C et grace aux tables de Hashages, les performances sont incontestablement puissantes et peu gourmandes en ressources. MySQL est utilisé uniquement lors du Login de l'user pour plus de praticité, ensuite le server gère lui même la gestion des informations. * ACE client Developpé en JavaScript grace à la technologie AJAX, le client n'a besoin d'aucun programme exterieur comme un applet JAVA ou CGI. La légèreté et portabilité de ACE Client est donc son atout principal.

Dsh - Shell ditribué

by lecyborg & 2 others
Si vous avez plusieurs machines ubuntu sur votre réseau, et que vous devez faire des taches répétitives sur ces machines, dsh va bien vous aider. Dsh (Distributed SHell ou Dancer's SHell) permet de lancer une commande sur une/des machines ou encore mieux des groupes de machines.

May 2007 - FREE website monitoring

by lecyborg & 17 others
External Monitoring Monitor 24x7 websites, network devices and more Instantly reports your site outage and response time. To ensure ultimate web experience

Ubuntu :: the How-To Geek

by lecyborg & 8 others
Une incroyable collection de how-to en anglais concernant ubuntu, pour une utilisation un peu avancée.

March 2007

How To Setup OpenDNS On Ubuntu

by lecyborg & 1 other
Mise en place du DNS OpenDNS plus rapide sous Ubuntu

January 2007

sources.list generator

by lecyborg & 1 other (via)
Un générateur de fichier sources.list pour ubuntu, que j'utilise régulièrement

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last mark : 11/02/2008 15:48