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Notes d'information - ejabberd

by lecyborg
Liste de contacts partagés - « Shared rosters » Les listes de contacts partagés forment une nouvelle fonctionalité qui permet aux administrateurs d'ejabberd d'ajouter des utilisateurs jabber qui seront présents dans le roster de tous les utilisateurs du server.

How to get your MySQL Munin Graphs working

by lecyborg
I run a few cPanel servers and run Munin as my resource monitor. At the time I wrote this the version included with cPanel was munin 1.24. Ever since I have installed the plugin from cPanel it would monitor MySQL upon first install and then stop if the server was reboot. Uninstalling and reinstalling would once again get Munin to monitor MySQL but having to uninstall and reinstall just for a reboot, just did not seem like something that you should have to do. After many months of on and off testing this is the fix I have come up with.

Automatic Proxy Configuration

by lecyborg
Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) The involves creating a javascript script to return which proxy servers to use. The script needs to define the function which will be called by the browser for every URL that is retrieved:

How-To: Monitoring a Server with Munin

by lecyborg
Munin is a simple to configure tool that make real nice graph about your server status. It can actually deal with almost any aspect of your server (load average, network cards status, CPU usage, memory usage, postfix, exim4, mysql ...) without spending much time in configuring it. Munin produce MRTG likes graph so you can easily see how your server health is going.

Munin, une alternative simple à Cacti?

by lecyborg & 1 other
Cela fait près d’un an et demi que j’utilise le logiciel Cacti pour monitorer l’activité réseau. Aussi bien dans le cadre de mon activité professionnelle que pour mon usage personnel. Mais j’ai récement découvert une alternative sérieuse : Munin. Celui-ci présente de nombreux avantages par rapport à Cacti et mérite d’être plus connue.

WebDav Autoversioning

by lecyborg
A while back I stumbled upon a lesser known feature of SVN and WebDav, but didn’t have the time to blog about it until now. WebDAV and SVN is an exceedingly useful tool as we all know, and pretty damn easy to setup, see here. But what if you could have everything entered into the WebDav repository automatically versioned into a repository. Well you can! And the good news is, it’s really really easy.

Make SSH connections with PHP

by lecyborg & 3 others
Not everyone knows about PHP's capabilities of making SSH connections and executing remote commands, but it can be very useful. I've been using it a lot in PHP CLI applications that I run from cronjobs, but initially it was a pain to get it to work. The PHP manual on Secure Shell2 Functions is not very practice or thorough for that matter, so I would like to share my knowledge in this how to, to make it a little less time consuming setting this up. In this article I'm going to assume that: * You're running Debian / Ubuntu If not, you will have to substitute the package manager aptitude with whatever your distribution provides * You're running PHP 5 If not, just replace php5 with php4 everywhere * You have basic knowledge of PHP & server administration * You already have PHP installed


Automatic_Bridge_Ubuntu - VirtualBox

by lecyborg
This is a quick tutorial on how to setup your Linux environment and VirtualBox, so that it can automatically create network interfaces and put them in bridge when the VM is launched.

UMS firmware for the T10 - Samsung

by lecyborg
How to upgrade YP-T10 Firmware - Before upgrade process, please check your battery status. - Connect the player to your computer. - unzip downloaded zip file on your PC - Copy the 2 files into the root directory of the YP-T10. - Select Safely Remove Hardware and remove the YP-T10 from the USB port of the computer. - When you turn the player on, firmware updates are automatically performed during booting. - To confirm an update, Select MENU -> SETTING -> SYSTEM INFO from the menu to view the firmware version

Installation d'un lecteur Samsung YP-U3 sur un système GNU-Linux

by lecyborg
Installation d'un lecteur Samsung YP-U3 sur un système GNU-Linux (Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10)

SSH Port Forwarding

by lecyborg
SSH also has a wonderful feature called SSH Port Forwarding, sometimes called SSH Tunneling, which allows you to establish a secure SSH session and then tunnel arbitrary TCP connections through it. Tunnels can be created at any time, with almost no effort and no programming, which makes them very appealing. In this article we look at SSH Port Forwarding in detail, as it is a very useful but often misunderstood technology. SSH Port Forwarding can be used for secure communications in a myriad of different ways. Let's start with an example.

HOWTO improving your internet connection using wondershaper - Ubuntu Forums

by lecyborg
wondershaper is an easy to use traffic shaping script that provides these improvements: * Low latency for interactive traffic (and pings) at all times * Allow websurfing at reasonable speeds while uploading / downloading * Make sure uploads don't hurt downloads * Make sure downloads don't hurt uploads

Harmonic mix

by lecyborg
What is harmonic mixing(mixing in key)? How many times haven't you mixed tracks that are perfectly synchronized, but still there is something not quite right. You then probably had a disharmonic mix. To begin with harmonic mixing seems to be complicated and not very useful. But when you first get the hang of it, there is no way back. Listening to harmonic mixes is a delight for all ears.

Flight operation aviation library on SmartCockpit

by lecyborg
Très bon référentiel de manuel pour toute sorte d'avions !

Flux de travail numérique pour le photographe sous Ubuntu

by lecyborg & 6 others
Heureux possesseur d'un appareil reflex numérique, et passionné de photographie, voila quelques temps que je me suis penché sur la meilleur façon d'organiser mon flux de travail sous linux. En effet, bien que Photoshop soit l'application propriétaire réputée la plus réclamée par les utilisateurs de Linux, l'OS au pingouin est en en réalité très bien équipé pour faire face a un flux de photographie numérique avancé. Dans ce billet, je vais tenter de présenter un flux de travail pour la photographie numérique, entièrement sous Ubuntu. Certains logiciels présentés ne sont pas libres, mais je présenterais les alternatives libres existantes.

Dsh - Shell ditribué

by lecyborg & 2 others
Si vous avez plusieurs machines ubuntu sur votre réseau, et que vous devez faire des taches répétitives sur ces machines, dsh va bien vous aider. Dsh (Distributed SHell ou Dancer's SHell) permet de lancer une commande sur une/des machines ou encore mieux des groupes de machines.

Supprimer les dossiers .svn subversion

by lecyborg & 4 others, 1 comment
find . -name '.svn' | xargs rm -rf est la commande en question !

Ubuntu :: the How-To Geek

by lecyborg & 8 others
Une incroyable collection de how-to en anglais concernant ubuntu, pour une utilisation un peu avancée.

Thèmes customs Gantt Project

by lecyborg
How to plug your XSL theme for HTML or PDF export into GP 2.0

Mot de passe et Network-manager

by lecyborg
Pour ne plus avoir à le taper à chaque ouverture de session

53 CSS-Techniques

by lecyborg & 65 others, 1 comment
Pleins de tutoriaux CSS pour faire de très belles choses. Une référence!

How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu!

by lecyborg & 2 others
Un guide en anglais expliquant de manière tès détaillé comment installer tout et n'importe quoi sous Ubuntu

Ext2 IFS For Windows

by lecyborg
Utiliser un volume Ext2/3 sous Windows. Pratique pour accèder a ses partitions Linux

An Introduction to Using Patterns in Web Design

by lecyborg
Un tutorial en anglais expliquant l'utilisation des patterns pour la réalisation de sites

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