public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Riduidel with tags web & language

21 November 2005

Logging in JavaScript - log4js

J'ai déja utilisé un outil analogue. Peut-être (je l'espère en tout cas) que celui-là serta mieux fichu ...

23 September 2005

HTML Help by The Web Design Group

by 6 others
Lots of reference and tutorials on HTML, CSS, etc.

HTML and CSS Tutorials, References, Articles and News - HTML Dog

by 53 others
Web designer's resource for everything HTML and CSS, the most common technologies used in making web pages.

XFN - XHTML Friends Network

by 5 others
XFN™ (XHTML Friends Network) is a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks

CSS Vault � The Web's CSS Site

by 5 others
A collection of CSS resources and CSS sites that help to inspire and teach every designer.

/* Position Is Everything */ �� Modern browser bugs explained in detail!

by 39 others
We're Big John and Holly Bergevin, and together we built this site to explain some obtuse CSS bugs in modern browsers, provide demo examples of interesting CSS behaviors, and show how to 'make it work' without using tables for layout purposes.


by 2 others
This page collects experiments with Cascading Style Sheets


by 15 others
creative css demostrations

Jardin Zen css: La beaut� de la conception CSS

by 22 others
Le principal exemple de ce que le CSS peut apporter au web

The ThrashBox™

by 12 others
Simple, Semantically Correct CSS Boxes with Clean Code

learn web standards :: css browser support

by 3 others
In this section you will find browser support information for all of CSS1 and CSS2. We've divided the specification into a number of logical parts, which are listed below with their contents.

mezzoblue ��� css crib sheet

by 9 others
Useful rules to bear in mind when building CSS