public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from amyrussell with tags frameworks & ajax

August 2007

The awesome state of JavaScript development tools

Dietrich's post on the depressing state of IE develpment tools got me to thinking about the generally wonderful state of JavaScript tooling. Compared to just a few short years ago, we've got a wealth of productivity-enhancing browser add-ons, TDD frameworks and static-analysis tools at our disposal - most of them open-source. For those who want to get their hands dirty writing POJ, this is a golden era.

Ext JS 1.1 Released

And it seems that just in time for my belated bandwagon scramble, Ext JS has come out with a new release, 1.1. Now you don't have to use a third party base Ajax library, though you can if you want to: An important step in Ext’s evolution as it’s no longer a requirement that you use a 3rd-party base library when developing an application with Ext. The Ext framework will continue to include adapters for other popular libraries to allow you, the developer, to choose the most appropriate library for your project.

April 2007

Agile Ajax: VegUI - Window Manager and Widget Collection

With complete and mature browser-side Ajax frameworks out there like Dojo, why should you even consider something small and comparatively new like VegUI? The reason is that thos frameworks aren't as complete and mature as you think they are. At this stage of the Ajax technology lifecycle, variety is the spice of life. If we had all settled on Prototype, we would have never gotten JQuery.

amyrussell's TAGS related to tag frameworks

abstractions +   agile +   ajax +   ext js +   javascript +   layered architecture +   vegUI +