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March 2006

Creating a MySQL connection with PHP/AJAX at John Wiseman

by 5 others (via)
In this tutorial I will explain how to open a mysql database connection using PHP and the all popular AJAX. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the XMLHttpRequest object works within php and the advantages of using it. This tutorial will be the first in a series of articles leading to the development of a fully functional dynamic web events application.

February 2006

Making An RSS Feed

by 3 others (via)
RSS is a method of distributing links to content in your web site that you'd like others to use. In other words, it's a mechanism to "syndicate" your content. To understand syndication, consider the "real world" situation where artist Scott Adams draws a daily Dilbert cartoon. The cartoon is made available to any newspaper that cares to run it, in exchange for a fee -- and 2,000 papers in 65 countries do so. Unlike Scott Adams, syndication of web content via RSS is unlikely to make you rich. However, it can be an easy way to draw attention to your material, bringing you some traffic and perhaps a little net fame, depending on how good your information is.

January 2006

15 Seconds : A Step-by-Step Guide To Using MySQL with ASP.NET - Part 1

Back in the days of classic ASP, if you were building a database-driven web site, your choice was either to invest a lot of money to get a copy of Microsoft SQL Server (or some other enterprise-ready database) or invest a lot of time finding a way to deal with the performance and scalability limitations of Microsoft Access. Luckily these days there's another viable alternative: MySQL.

'Tagging' gives Web a human meaning | CNET

If you've been to a technology event recently, especially one with a high concentration of digerati, you may have seen someone stand up and tell everyone what the event's Flickr tag is.

adaptive path » experience attributes: crucial dna of web 2.0

by 7 others
The industry has spent a lot of time defining Web 2.0 and mapping its DNA. But as we attempt to emulate the fast-growth success of the Web 2.0 darlings, we need to zero in on the parts of the DNA that actually create this noteworthy new value.

Ponto Media » O ADN da Web 2.0

O ADN da Web 2.0 A NÃO perder este artigo de Brandon Schauer - Crucial DNA of Web 2.0 - e o .pdf que o acompanha - What put the 2 in Web 2.0? Deixe seu Comentário

November 2005

no mínimo | .Comportamento | Web 2.0 molda a nova internet

'Mas, como tudo caminha em ciclos, uma hora esse suposto marasmo haveria de dar lugar à retomada do desenvolvimento. Assim, alguns pensadores digitais começaram a definir parâmetros para delimitar melhor essa evolução, chamando este novo estágio da internet de web 2.0. O termo partiu de Dale Doughrty, vice-presidente da O’Reilly Media (, respeitada companhia do segmento de tecnologia, e já está amplamente difundido no meio virtual. Por sinal, “Web 2.0 Conference” ( é o nome do evento da atualidade mais conceituado para a discussão de novas tendências da web, fruto justamente dos conceitos de Dale e Tim O`Reilly – presidente da firma que leva o seu sobrenome."

October 2005

no mínimo | .Comportamento | Blog: web com rótulo

Blog: contra��o de weblog (web log). Assunto batido, n�o? Tentou entend�-los?

How to Develop Web Applications with Ajax, Pt. 1 - -

In the past, web applications were limited because a web page had to be reloaded Very Dynamic Web Interfaces

by 25 others
In this article, I'll be exploring how this problem can be tackled with the use of JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object.

Internet News Article | | Blog subscribers seek out small universe of sites

Just 60 sites are "hot," defined as attracting more than 5,000 subscriber links, Lanzone said.Sites that attract 1,000 or more subscriber links number only 437, according to AskJeeves' Bloglines, the most popular system among Web users for actively monitoring other sites.

Deep Thoughts at Web 2.0

by 1 other
Our definition of a feed that mattered, out of the millions of blogs and other sites with feeds out there, was one with at least one subscriber on Bloglines.

Jeni's XSLT Pages: Grouping Using the Muenchian Method

Grouping is a common problem in XSLT stylesheets: how do you take a list of elements and arrange them into groups.