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PUBLIC MARKS from benoit with tags "web services" & rest



O'Reilly Media -- Bookstore: RESTful Web Services

You've built web sites that can be used by humans. But can you also build web sites that are usable by machines? That's where the future lies, and that's what this book shows you how to do. Today's web service technologies have lost sight of the simplicity that made the Web successful. This book explains how to put the "Web" back into web services with REST, the architectural style that drives the Web.


REST Web Services

by 3 others
a book by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby


A RESTful Web service, an example : Paul James

by 2 others
Interface REST pour l'API de

Apprendre REST - un style d'architecture du Web

by 5 others
Traduction française des articles de Joe Gregorio sur REST

benoit's TAGS related to tag "web services"

api +   book +   json +   rdf +   rest +   xml +