public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags informations & free

December 2006

October 2006

It is Music — Open catalog project

by 2 others
The open music catalog project aims to create a free catalog over popular music to day. It is edited and developed by volunteers. All programs developed for creating this page is open source and released under GNU/GPL. Artists that lacks information is found in unknown artists pages. Submit a new audio file to the catalog via submit page. See About pages for more information.

August 2006

121Space -> Freebie Space

Free Books Free online books, eBooks, magazines, subscriptions, trials... Free Softwares Most popular free software & freeware, useful free online tools, and related news ... Subforums: Anti-Eavesdrop, Windows, Mac, Linux, Open Sources, Others Free Music Free sound, music, and other multimedia, and related news ... Free Movies Free video, movies, and related news ... Free Games Freeware games, free demos and free online games, and related news ... Subforums: 121Space Games New Posts Other Freebies General purpose freebies, or links to other freebie sites.

Issues | Free Software Magazine

Free Software Magazine is the only magazine worldwide that is dedicated to the promotion of free software as a whole. We publish high quality articles that are free to read and download. We review free software related books. Our aims are: * to promote free software and its use; and * to educate the global community in the use of free software. Download the whole issues of Free Software Magazine as PDF file

May 2006

The Great Software List, A-Z

by 1 other
The Great Software List is an advocate of great software and ignores mediocre software. The Great Software List is composed of high quality programs that share most or all of the following features:

April 2006

Open Source Freeware : 400+ free applications and utilities : eConsultant

by 8 others
Extremely useful open source applications and utilities available free under various licenses.

February 2006

TV-On : Site contributif de déploiement de FREE-TV

Ce site contributif n'est pas un site officiel de Free. Réalisé par des Freenautes, il est alimenté par les Freenautes. Il est destiné à tous ceux qui désirent connaître l'état de déploiement de la FreeTV en France. Merci pour votre contribution.

January 2006

Reviews and free downloads antispyware at

by 1 other (via)
Learn how to protect yourself against the onslaught with these articles and tutorials. Find out which is the most effective antispyware tool. Get rid of spyware, no matter what level of computer skills you have.

FREE PROXY: Proxy List of Anonymous Public servers, Hide IP Address

by 4 others
Anonymous Port Proxy tools Secr. tools Test Proxies Forum Tutorials Blog // Tres bonne logitheque, infos de qualite

GNUWin II :: Logiciels - Liste par catégories

GNUWin II is not maintained anymore! Information on this pages may be old and/or inacurate! :: Logiciels - Liste par catégories... Il rest enecore quelques bonnes idees!

The Portable Freeware Collection

by 31 others (via)
This site is dedicated to the collection and cataloging of freeware that can be extracted to any directory and run independently without prior installation. These can be carried around on a memory stick / USB flash drive, or copied / migrated from PC to PC via simple copying of files. Hence the term portable freeware.

by 13 others (via)
Welcome to, where everything is a tutorial. There are currently 6,790 Free Tutorials in 500 categories! Software Web Design & Markup Programming Operating Systems Business Marketing

December 2005

Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by 1 other (via)
Voiçi une Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB 2.0 que vous pourrez organiser à votre guise avec le Lançeur de Programme "PStart.exe". Regardez bien le Dossier "AIO" où vous aurez quelques surprises. Faute de temps,Je n'ai testé que 90% des Programmes. Donc si vous trouvez des programmes qui ne fonctionnent pas, prière de me signaler pour des tests approfondis et corrections. Vous verrez que certains programmes comme "SILENT NIGHT MICRO BURNER 4.0.6 Multilangues" qui ne fait que 1,14 Mo, fait 75% de ce que fait "Nero". Vous pouvez mettre ce "Pack" sur Clé USB 2.0, Disque Externe USB 2.0 ou éventuellement dans un Répertoire de votre Disque Interne.

*** ***

Vous trouverez ici, je l'espère, les infos et les logiciels néceswares à l'utilisation de Windows! Je m'appelle Gilles Lucato, je suis à Montpellier et je compte vous faire profiter des conseils que je dispense tous les jours aux amis, aux collègues de travail et aux entreprises de la région LR... à travers des sites comme Transferts LR, Clusir LR, Pole TiiM.