public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags coins & tool

22 October 2009

Recherches multibase, de nouveaux outils pour accroître l ...Quatre Solutions Techniques pour facilités l'acces du Public à des informations Dispersées

- Zone 856 Unimarc : ( Complexe et Lourd à mettre en place). - Moteurs de Recherche du Web : (Probléme pages Dynamiques pas référencées et le "bruit" produit). - Batir Portail Documentaire : (Problématique à gérer , pour le public et les bibliothècaires , si trop de Bases Concernées) - Utiliser i'OpenURL , en implantant dans l'OPAC un logiciel générant des Liens Contextuels : (Outils trés prometteurs permettant le Rebond automatisé, comme par exemple chez Dynix avec son Logiciel Horizon ou Electre ). Ces 4 solutions sont complémentaires, mais ne sont pas toutes adaptées à une large population de Publc.

COinS Generator

by 2 others
This tool will take bibliographic metadata for a citation and produce a "COinS", i.e. a snippet of HTML that can be placed on a webpage and processed by web tools. The COinS generator also has a built-in link-resolver, so you can generate a COinS by taking any OpenURL query string and appending it to the base URL For more information on COinS, click here.

01 October 2009

OpenURL ContextObject in SPAN (COinS) Use with LibX (Firefox extension that provides direct access to your library's resources).

by 3 others
To embed citation metadata into html in such a way that processing agents can discover, process and make use of the metadata. Since an important use of this metadata will be to allow processing agents to make OpenURL hyperlinks for users in libraries (latent OpenURL), the method must allow the metadata to be placed any where in HTML that a link might appear. In the absence of some metadata-aware agent, the embedded metadata must be invisible to the user and innocuous with respect to HTML markup. To meet these requirements, the span element was selected. The NISO OpenURL ContextObject is selected as the specific metadata package. The resulting specification is named "ContextObject in SPAN" or COinS for short. A COinS Generator site is available - See : COinS Processors Alf Eaton's Greasemonkey script for processing COinSVirginia Tech's