public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag delicious


VIDEO - Spyce - Robotic Restaurant by Four MIT Graduates in Collaboration with Chef Daniel Boulud - YouTube

Spyce est le premier restaurant au monde doté d'une cuisine robotisée cuisine des repas complexes sur commande. Fondé par quatre diplômés du MIT avec une vision de réinventer rapide et décontracté, et dirigé par le culinaire talent du chef étoilé Daniel Boulud et Sam Benson, Spyce offre des repas sains et délicieux à 7,50 $ trois minutes ou moins.


Faviki - Social bookmarking tool using smart semantic Wikipedia (DBpedia) tags

by 1 other
Faviki is a social bookmarking tool that lets you use Wikipedia concepts as tags. Faviki allows you to keep your own tags and connect them to common, universal concepts from the world's largest collection of knowledge!

Del.izzy : c'est delicious en plus aisé! : Retourne un résultat sur google .

Del.izzy vient de sortir (en version beta), c’est donc une opportunité d’en parler maintenant, car si delicious n’y avait pas pensé del.izzy l’a fait. En fait c’est très simple, au lieu de faire une recherche simplement avec tes bookmarks Del.izzy fait une recherche également dans les pages associées aux bookmarks, et le tout retourne un résultat sur google . Ca rend donc le résultat de recherche un peu plus pertinent. Il faut juste donner le mot de passe de son compte delicious (pourquoi? on aurait préféré juste donner l’url, cela aurait permis de rechercher sur les delicious de nos voisins!) Mais je dois dire que les résultats ont été à la hauteur de ma patience. Quoi de plus agréable que de retrouver un retour de requête google archi personnalisé! Vraiment une belle idée. Car quand on est un vrai delicious addict comme moi, on se perd complètement dans nos bookmarks. Grâce est cet outil, on se sent encore plus chez soi. Un must have à mon goût.

FreshDelicious :Delicious

by 2 others
Quickly and easily showed that my recently assembled bookmark collection had a surprising number of dead links. This great tool should be better publicized to all delicious users to help us keep our bookmarks up-to-date!!

Bookmarks Insuggest

by 2 others
analyzes your online bookmarks and recommend other bookmarks that matches your taste.


SML Wiki: Interestingness(note: work in progress)

Interestingness is a media (images, videos, etc) ranking algorithm to provide as an additional metric for search results. The algorithm is based upon an algorithm created by the Flickr team, and is further enhanced by metadata knowledge resulted from the development. The algorithm was first unveiled publicly on Flickr on 2005-08-01.1 SML.SML: Interestingness = f(views, faves, comments, tags, time, user, network relationships); The ranking is based on one or more of the following factors: * the quantity of user-entered metadata2 (i.e. tags) * the number of users who have assigned metadata3 * the number of favorites assigned to the photo4 * relationship between the person who uploaded the photo and the people who are commenting5 * access patterns related to the media object6 (i.e. where the clickthroughs are coming from; who comments on it and when)7 * a lapse of time related to the media object8 (i.e. velocity of metadata acquisition)

URFIST - Bibliothèque - Convergence des outils de gestion de signets et des outils de gestion de références

# 1.1 Convergence des outils de gestion de signets et des outils de gestion de références # 1.2 Typologie des outils de mémorisation * 1.2.1 critères o 1er critère: signets ou références o 2e critère: local ou en ligne

Fav.icio.us3 - Greasemonkey - Add favicons next to posted links on

A script to add favicons next to posted links on Working with the latest update of Delicious (as of August 2009). From 90% uses the code of fav.icio.us2 by Vasco Flores.

Facette - Extension - Améliore la recherche dans votre compte Delicious - OF -

Le Haystack Group a encore frappé : il présente aujourd'hui Facette. Ce plugin pour Firefox améliore l'utilisation de Delicious de deux manière : 1. il propose une manière intelligente d'entrer les tags qui décrivent une page web en les structurant (oui je sais, les logiciels documentaires font cela depuis des années mais bon...). Méthodo dont on peut s'inspirer même si l'on utilise pas Delicious. Voici quelques-uns de ces métatags : 1. Type of object : ex: article, blog, référence, outil, video,liste, tutoriel 2. Nom 3. About : business, design, automobiles,... 4. Contains : graphics, art, humor, news, recipe,... 5. For : research, development, innovation,... 6. Location 7. Written in 8. Plus bien sûr tous les mots-clés que vous souhaitez.

XUL greasemonkey - Recherche Google

manipuler données XUL avec greasemonkey.....est-ce possible? par exemple pour modifier l'extension officielle de delicious.

dejalicious ++ for Greasemonkey

Shows icon in bottom right of window, with a link allowing you to bookmark the current page. Displays "Tagged" message if page is already bookmarked. - Displays thumbnail Previews - Download

by 1 other - Displays thumbnail Previews of your bookmarks when you hover over them.

delicious Management for Greasemonkey

The Bookmark Management GreaseMonkey script will add 2 links to your pages. The links will allow you to either share or delete all displayed items on the current page. You can search for items or narrow down the results by selecting a tag. * Modifications for Delicious v2 Website and FF3 * Use of GM API instead of web page calls (this does require the user to sign into the delicious API) These modifications will get the script working again with the latest updates to the Delicious website and FF3. After I first made this script I found the Install scriptyumyum script. Admittedly this script is better than mine which is why I haven't made too many updates to this one. However, since the Delicious upgrade yumyum doesn't work. So long story short, here is an update to this script. Inline View for Greasemonkey

Adds an 'inline view...' link to pages which loads the url inside a html iframe in the bottom of every link. - Tag Links on Bundle Edit Page for Greasemonkey

Normal clicking, without holding down the alt key, works the same as ever, adding and removing that tag from the bundle. - Auto-Highlight Bundled Tags for Greasemonkey

Automatically checks off "Highlight tags already in another bundle" anytime the bundle edit page is loaded. - Bundle Names on Hover for Greasemonkey

On the bundle edit pages, hover over a tag to show which bundles it belongs to. - Dim Saved Links for Greasemonkey

Dim out any links on Delicious that you've already saved in your own account. Bundle sorter for Greasemonkey

Changes the delicious tag bundle manager so unbundled tags are listed at the beginning. - Sort Visible Links for Greasemonkey

Sort all the links on the page by their title, URL or popularity. Updated on Feb 17, 2009 to fix its operation on full search results page - Tags on left, meta on right |

Move the tag chain to the left and left-align it, and move all the various things that end up in the "meta" div to the right. What the meta div holds depends on the page you're viewing. When viewing your own bookmarks, the meta div contains the group of action links (share/edit//delete). On the Network view and when browsing the site by tag, it holds the account name of the person who contributed the link. On the search results page and when browsing Popular bookmarks, it has the "First saved by" information.

delicious star rater for Greasemonkey

by 2 others
Rate your most favourite bookmarks on with an awesome star-rater. Rated bookmarks may be highlighted within the bookmarks list for easy recognition. The script uses a star-tag (★) for the rating.