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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags file & storage


Upload with FTP - MorgueFile (Free Image Storage) - For an easy and efficient way to upload your images.

Here is a quick overview of ftp settings. If you are not sure what an ftp client is, search google specifically for an "ftp client". There are free options available and many to pick from. For PC you can try filezilla, for mac you can try cyberduck. Below are the setting you must use for ftp to connect to : * - Host: * - User name: [your user name] * - Password: [your password] * - Protocol: FTP * - Port: 21 * - Important you must enable Passive Mode.


About one click file]

by 7 others
there is an interesting article on wikipedia ([]) about one click file sharing. Give it a look

WooFiles___Partage de fichiers de 1GO max, par URL

by 11 others
WooFiles, un nouveau service ultra-simple de partage de fichiers par URL, sans inscription. La taille des fichiers est limitée à 1 Go


Free - Envoyez vos documents : 5 GO /7 jours

by 19 others
accessible via en http ou en ftp - permet aux internautes de s'échanger des fichiers ayant une taille qui peut aller jusqu'à 5 Go... Le principe est simple : un internaute uploade son fichier sur un serveur, un lien de téléchargement lu

HFS serveur

by 2 others
Title: HFS - Http File Server Last version: 1.6a Download: binaries sources Read the FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions, please read this document before asking. Rated 4 stars at Logo Do you want to test 2.0 beta? HTTP server de