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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags tor & privacy


TOR - Un guide pour apprendre à créer votre relai Tor – Korben

15 février 2018. Si cela vous intéresse, je tiens à vous informer que le Projet Tor a mis en ligne sur son site, une nouvelle version à jour de son guide expliquant comment créer son relai Tor. Ce guide est divisé en 3 parties. La première vous expliquera exactement ce qu'est un relai Tor et pourquoi cela est utile. La seconde partie est plus technique puisqu'elle vous permettra d'installer et configurer votre relai Tor sur votre distribution Linux ou BSD préférée. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce guide est consacrée aux aspects légaux et sociétaux qui entourent les relais Tor.


FIR - ConfigFox - Utility to manage Firefox advanced, hidden setting

ConfigFox is an utility to manage Firefox advanced, hidden settings and tweaks, mostly concerning security and privacy. With ConfigFox you can manage multiple profiles independently. It is compatible with all Firefox builds: Waterfox, Palemoon, Tor, Portable, etc... If you don't have Firefox installed in your computer you will be prompted to select your custom Firefox path (executable). Features - Quickly create and customize Firefox profiles. - Easily enable/disable settings with one click. - Quickly search Config entries. - Get updates for Config collection. - Backup, Defrag and Vacuum profiles for a faster performance. - View profile information. - Search online for Config strings information.


Anonymity and you: A guide to using »

“Being nameless or unidentifiable”. When we are browsing the internet, we are identifiable by “IP Address” and our “Browser header/HTTP header”. Firstly, get Firefox, and this extension. User Agent Switcher allows you to change.. well, your user extension. I recommend either making one up entirely or just randomising them at certain points in the day. Secondly, get the stable Tor package from here. Follow the instructions for installing it here. Get TorButton for Firefox, and you’re ready to go. You can check your IP address here before enabling Tor, and again after enabling it, to make sure it’s different. There are other type’s of proxies to port; for instance, web based proxies such as Essentially, a webbased proxy will load the site onto it’s server, and you will load it from their server. These are better for people who wish to bypass a network blocklist at college or their workplace, as they require no installation and no ports to be forwarded.