public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags literature & users

01 December 2006

BBC - collective - the interactive culture magazine

by 4 others
a social networking site in which BBC offers cultural reviews, with clips, and readers comment or write alternative reviews; readers also submit own reviews

Black Film Research Online

good discussion of Black film in Chicago; also a large section on how to do Black film research on the Internet


by 20 others
another social bookmarking site to find books to read like the ones you know, in genres you prefer, enjoyed by other readers with your tastes; it's one of the fun features of, now with whole sites for the purpose

30 November 2006

Boston Review

by 1 other
left political and literary review, good writing

27 November 2006

Dr. Chris Mullen, The Visual Telling of Stories, illustration, design, film, narrative sequences, magazines, books, prints etc

by 1 other
a very large historical archive, often from advertising, "to provide for all levels of possible viewer a visually orientated taxonomy of the ways in which pictures are used to tell stories." unique collection, also useful for many other purposes

Lists of Bests

by 5 others
again, I am fascinated by lists of bests, especially as related to literature; they comprise both an ideology of the canon and a sociology of popular tastes, a la Bourdieu; in an extended form, they comprise much of

What Should I Read Next?

by 9 others
Like many web2.0 search sites, you tell it what you like and it builds a profile of your preferences. Film and entertainment addition in development.

26 November 2006


by 8 others
goal is to record all the books in the public domain; lots of audio-lit here

22 November 2006

20 November 2006

Listology: "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die"

lists like this give me ideas of what to look for in the library; the whole idea of "listology" is whacky and fun

14 November 2006

"Introduction to Poetry" -- Ben McGhee

more video and text animation, simple and effective -- 53 sec.

13 November 2006 -- the media theory site

large site, attractive new design as of 11/06. essays, links, delving into popular culture and playing with it, theoretical explorations and savvy; highly recommended

06 November 2006

Litsum: The Most Free Literature Summaries, Study Guides and Book Summaries

by 3 others
like Cliff's Notes but now free; teachers beware and forget about those book reports on the classics

21 October 2006

STORYTRON - Interactive Storytelling

Software for something between a game and literary hypertext. "Storytronics uses Verbs to define what may happen in interactive storytelling. Each Verb represents one possible dramatic action, like a kiss, a demand, or an advice." Looks like fun.