public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags microsoft & esb

April 2007

Biztalk 24 * 7 HOME

Biztalk 24 * 7 is an attempt by a Microsoft Biztalk server enthusiast Saravana kumar to put pointers to all the available resources for Biztalk under one roof.

Microsoft BizTalk Server: Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Partners

The partners listed below have been specifically trained in the Microsoft ESB Guidance to simplify the development of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) on the Microsoft platform and to allow customers to extend their own messaging and integration solutions.

February 2007

Station-service: Services Web BizTalk Server 2006 -- MSDN Magazine, March 2007

Ce mois-ci, je vais vous présenter l'univers passionnant de BizTalk Server 2006 et sa prise en charge pour les technologies de services Web d'aujourd'hui. Vous apprendrez à utiliser les adaptateurs SOAP et WSE (Web Services Enhancements) déjà disponibles et je vous parlerai du nouvel adaptateur Windows® Communication Foundation (WCF) inclus dans BizTalk® Server 2006 R2.


The essence of ESB.NET is that it’s message based services rather than just XML document centric or RPC style. It is Data and Business Service oriented as opposed to Technical feature Oriented. Approach is to add value to the Business spectrum.

August 2005

Microsoft Releasing Position Document on Enterprise Service Bus

Built on top of a persisted bus-like architecture, BizTalk Server provides for all the capabilities of traditional ESBs. In addition, BizTalk Server delivers full support for business process, business activity monitoring, and business rules with built-in management and deployment of connected systems