public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags article & ia

February 2010

Card Games for Information Architects

This article reviews 6 simple but powerful research techniques you can use to improve the information architecture of your product or web site. None of these activities require a computer. You simply need a bunch of cards, a participant and a desk.

August 2009

July 2008

A common language for interaction design |

A common language for interaction design would improve the clarity and speed at which we communicate design.

UsableWorld - News > Rapid IA creation with mindmaps |

Exemple d'utilisation de Mindmanager pour un workshop IA avec un client

May 2008

Au service de l'Expérience Utilisateur |

Version français du schéma de JJ Garrett sur "The elements of User Experience". Uniquement utile pour le vocabulaire francophone. (je sais cette note ne veut rien dire...)