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PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags article & tips


Table of Contents

by 1 other
how to create a friendly Web Conference

Solved: Gmail, iPad, iPhone, and multiple from addresses | Modern Nerd

enabling multiple “from” addresses under a single Gmail account in Mail on the iPad and iPhone


8 Tips to Design a Charity Website |

8 principles that you should follow when creating a charity website

How to Start Speaking at Events |

Conseils pour les speakers dans les conférences


How to Create Steve Jobs' Keynote |

by 1 other
Quelques trucs pour des keynotes à la Steve Jobs

WordPress Tips + Things You Can Do After Installing Wordpress |

The WordPress tips and few hacks mentioned below may only apply to a self-hosted installation of WordPress version 2.6 or above.

10 astuces pour tirer le meilleur profit des plateformes sociales |

by 1 other
Conseils pour bien utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour un particulier (peut-être appliqué à une entreprise)

How to run a great unconference session |

Conseils sur la manière de gérer une unconférence (Barcamp par exemple)

36 Startup Tips: From Software Engineering to PR |

by 2 others
startup tips covering software engineering, infrastructure, PR, conferences, legal and finance